the baffle of Hernán Lombardi to Alberto Fernández that generated a cataract of critics


After the mbadive light cut that affected the entire national territory, the presidential presidential Alberto Fernández criticized the management of Mauricio Macri in terms of energy And oficialismo, who went out to answer him, without mentioning it, was Hernán Lombardi with a chicane on social networks.

"Banish political opportunism and demagogic arguments is part of the cultural shift we are building, and being a candidate should take you away from verbal inconvenience and get you closer to the man." State, "wrote the head of the federal media system.

Banish political opportunism and demagogic arguments is part of the cultural change we are building. Being a candidate should keep you out of verbal incontinence and get you closer to the state man.

– Hernán Lombardi (@herlombardi) June 16, 2019

But after the official's release, Twitter users began to fire critics and exploded against the Cambiemos government.

"They won Capital to caranchear with Cromañon, me whom you called me to silence or dismiss my CM ", "Do not be so hard with Mauricio, Hernán, he does what he can," "the truth that political opportunism, it's the teachers," were some of the answers.


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