By resolution 194/2019 published in the Official Gazette, the national government also decided that only special flight permits could be issued for aircraft requiring their transfer to their hangar.
In resolution 194/2019 published in the Official Journal, the government has formalized the prohibition of overflight of the aircraft Boeing 737 Max in the airspace.
The measure had been announced Saturday by the National Administration of Civil Aviation (ANAC). The Directorate of Operational Safety (DNSO) of this organization has disposed "immediately and until the investigation activities of the last accident involving the aircraft model in question come to conclusions justifying the lifting of the measure ".
In the meantime, only special flight permits may be issued for the aircraft on which they are to be transferred to their hangar for repair, maintenance or other purposes. But all must be done exclusively without pbadengers on board.
Source: Ámbito Financiero
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