The Bank of England has refused 1200 million dollars in gold to Nicolás Maduro


This amount constitutes a large part of the $ 8 billion in foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank of Venezuela.

Venezuela's economic problem in these times of internal conflict now adds another setback. The Bank of England rejected Nicolás Maduro's request to surrender $ 1.2 billion in Venezuelan gold.

According to the Bloomberg agency, according to a high stock market source, the entity ordered officials of the Central Bank of Caracas not to attempt to contact the Bank of England because "they will not respond".

The move came after Republican Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton lobbied their peers in the UK to rush the regime to prevent him from getting his holdings. abroad.

US Officers They are trying to manage Venezuelan badets in other countries to help Juan Guaidó, Venezuela's interim president, take control of the country's government.

They also point out that the $ 1.2 billion in gold is a big part of the $ 8 billion total of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) in foreign exchange reserves.

In an increasingly complex context both in Venezuela and abroad, Nicolás Maduro spoke with foreign media and claimed to be facing a coup led by the United States.

It was after Trump's determination to "disconnect Chavez's regime from sources of revenue" and after receiving direct support from part of the military leadership.

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