The barking of a dog led the police to the lifeless body of its owner – 30/04/2019


A 64-year-old man went out for a walk almost every day with his dog Daisy in the city of Eatonville, located in Washington, United States, where he lived. The area was already known to both peoples and it had become a habit to spend time together, but one day they never went home.

Alarms of concern arose when the subject's wife, whose name was protected, called 911 to warn of the disappearance of both and added an important detail: the car had also faded away. According to her, her husband often left with the vehicle up to a certain point and then started walking.

(Pierce County Sheriff's Department).

(Pierce County Sheriff's Department).

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However, this day was different. He did not even say a word about which route to take or when to return. After that, the woman surfed the Internet and noticed the latest research from her husband. He was surprised by the word "Geocaching".

This consists of hiding and finding "treasure" all over the world, with the help of a GPS. Apparently, the man had internalized the subject and had found a geocache in the Evans Creek area, an hour and a half from Eatonville.

Officers from the Pierce Police Department followed the cell phone and the last time it was used was near a lake.
(Pierce County Sheriff's Department).

Officers from the Pierce Police Department followed the cell phone and the last time it was used was near a lake.
(Pierce County Sheriff's Department).

The soldiers found the car parked on a route and found a list of geocache locations (Pierce County Sheriff's Department).

The soldiers found the car parked on a route and found a list of geocache locations (Pierce County Sheriff's Department).

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Officers from the Pierce Police Department followed the cell phone and the last time it was used was near a lake. There, the mountain detachment and the air operations unit recorded the main roads and the surrounding area.

A few minutes later, they found the car parked on a route and inside they found a list of geocache locations. With this information, they drew a map of where he could have gone and walked to each location.

Thanks to Daisy, they were able to find the body without the life of a man (Pierce County Sheriff's Department).

Thanks to Daisy, they were able to find the body without the life of a man (Pierce County Sheriff's Department).

After two days of research, one of the rescuers heard the barking of a dog several meters in the heart of the forest. "The last member of our search and rescue team heard a dog barking as he was looking for the place that had been badigned to him." He continued walking towards the sound of the animal and saw a dog very similar to Daisy on a very steep embankment of the river. Marshall, "the officers explained on Facebook.

Daisy was sitting next to her owner, lifeless. Apparently, the man died as a result of a serious fall, seriously injured, but still has to confirm the autopsy. "Without the barking of his faithful companion Daisy, we would never have been able to locate the missing man," they added.

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