The basic basket has increased by 23% in the first half – InfoRegion


A study by the Institute for Mbad Consumer Studies (INDECOM) found that in the first half of the year the basic basket grew by 22.8%. "The projection of annual inflation for 2018 in these areas would reach nearly 50%," they said.

The president of the entity, Miguel Calvete, added that in the basket products that have more presence at Argentine tables than warehouse products, the measure gave an even greater increase high, "which is in the 32.7 percent".

As for products with more interference, the mineral water of 2.5 liters stands out, which increased by 26% (22 to 28 pesos), Coca Cola soft drinks by 23% ( from 53 to 65), 1.5 liter sunflower oil increased by 44% (from 52 to 75 pesos), 500 grams of 30 grams of noodles (from 26 to 34 pesos), flour 0000, increased by 32% (from 24 to 32 pesos), instant purée of 125 grams, which increased by 34% (from 25 to 36 pesos), while network tomatoes of 1 kilogram increased by 39% (from 39 to 50 pesos)

The report points out that in the first half of the year, there was a cumulative decline in consumption According to Calvete, "rate increases, services and transportation, the rise in inflation and small parities have a direct impact on opportunities and prospects for mbad consumption "[89%parrapportàlamêmepériodede201719659005] [ad_2]
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