The Belgrano Cargas had a historic record of tons transported :: El Litoral – News – Santa Fe – Argentina


In the first half of the year El Belgrano Cargas had a history of tons transported

With 854,419 tons accumulated in the first half, the Belgrano Cargas transported the highest historical volume recorded in that period; since last month this railway has already its first 500 kilometers of new roads and the train takes 10 days less between Salta and Rosario; with the San Martín and Urquiza, the transported loadings were 73% higher than last year 's half – year.

Buenos Aires, July 13, 2018.- During the first six months of the year, with 854,419 tonnes accumulated, the Belgrano railway transported the largest number of cargoes recorded in its history. The Belgrano Cargas train, which connects the NOA provinces to the ports of Gran Rosario, has already completed its first 500 kilometers of track after a year and a half of work. The train reduced its 10-day commute times from Salta and Rosario and carries twice as many tons as in 2015.

"We are conducting the largest recovery of our freight train, so that the production Regional economies are coming in less time and with less cost to the ports of Rosario for export. The renewal of the railroad is a fundamental contribution to development that aims to promote the Belgrano plan of all the northern cities that develop by the hand of the train "- Guillermo Dietrich, Minister of Transport of the Nation.

To his turn, during the first half, between the Belgrano Railways, San Martín Urquiza, operated by the state company Trenes Argentinos Cargas, under the Ministry of Transport, reached 1,990,433 tons, representing a 73 % more than the half year of last year.This loading record has not been reached since 2013.

"The company is transforming railway management into an operator of excellence , focusing on operations with greater load density, productivity and profitability, generating a new relationship model with customers and emphasizing transparency in the purchasing process. d In negotiations, a saving of 246.5 million pesos was made for the unloading of rolling stock and 4 million pesos a year for the purchase of fuel – Ezequiel Lemos, President of Argentina Cargo Trains.

The reactivation of the Belgrano Cargas, in detail

The renewal of the Belgrano Cargas roads is the most important in recent times. The first 500 kilometers out of a total of 1,700 have already been completed, for an investment of $ 2900 million, which also includes the renewal of rolling stock, with 107 locomotives and 3,500 new cars. The project also includes improvements to the ports of Rosario and a new railway bypbad to the city of Santa Fe.

The 1,180 kilometers of Joaquín V. González, in Salta, and Timbúes, in the Gran Rosario, today. it was completed in 8 days, whereas in 2015 it took 18. In addition, the tonnes transported per year in this section increased from 411,324 to 883,176. With fully renovated roads and port improvements planned for 2020, travel days should be reduced to 2 and tons transported to 1,600,000 tons.

The reactivation of the Belgrano Cargas is part of a total investment of $ 8800 million in the system of railway charges across the country under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport, to renew a total of 9850 kilometers of roads, generating 70,000 direct jobs

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