The best memes left by the announcement of the ban by the popular consultation of AMLO


Nuevo León and Chihuahua joined the dry law the weekend before the popular consultation (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Nuevo León and Chihuahua signed on to the ban law the weekend before the popular consultation (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The next Sunday August 1 the first will take place Referendum organized by the National Electoral Institute (OTHER), in which Mexican citizens will be able to vote whether it is “continued” or not to the last five former presidents for the eventual crimes that they committed.

Faced with this democratic exercise, and as happens before the presidential or intermediate elections, certain states of the Republic and municipalities have announced the implementation of the dry law. This time from the weekend July 30 to August 2, so that polling day takes place peacefully.

Until July 28, the States of Puebla, Guanajuato, Veracruz and some towns of Morelos announced that the said law would be applied, but this Friday the entities of Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Nuevo León and Tlaxcala.

The question of the petition was drafted by the Supreme Court of Justice (Photo: Twitter / C_Humphrey_J)
The question of the petition was drafted by the Supreme Court of Justice (Photo: Twitter / C_Humphrey_J)

The entity of Aguascalientes penalties will apply to those who purchase alcohol from Saturday July 31 to Monday August 2. Meanwhile at Morelos, the municipalities of Miacatlán and Tepoztlán, will be valid on Saturday and Sunday.

In Puebla The prohibition law will be imposed from Friday July 30 to Sunday August 1. While in GuanajuatoIt will only be in some of its municipalities like Celaya, Salamanca, Dolores Hidalgo and León; According to what was decided at the city council meeting held last Thursday, July 22.

On another side, Veracruz established that as of this Friday, July 30, the sale of alcohol in the entity will be limited. New Lion it will also ban the sale of alcohol this weekend, the state government reported.

During the popular consultation, it is planned to sue Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Ernesto Zedillo, Vicente Fox, Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña Nieto (Infographic: Infobae / Mexico)
During the popular consultation, it is planned to sue Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Ernesto Zedillo, Vicente Fox, Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña Nieto (Infographic: Infobae / Mexico)

The prohibition law and the popular consultation have different reactions among Mexican netizens, which led them to believe memes or position themselves in this regard on social networks.

For some Internet users, the weekend will be happy because neither your city nor your entity will apply the dry law:

(Photo: screenshot from Twitter @MaudeNarvarte)
(Photo: screenshot from Twitter @MaudeNarvarte)

Others have thought of one of the characters who is involved in the popular consultation and how he will take the news of the ban on the sale of alcohol:

(Photo: Twitter screenshot @Israel_cdmx)
(Photo: Twitter screenshot @Israel_cdmx)
(Photo: Twitter screenshot @RealRoyDumas)
(Photo: Twitter screenshot @RealRoyDumas)

While some citizens demanded that the law not apply to everyone, since many will not vote and they should not be classified in the same category:

(Photo: Twitter screenshot @serch_almarazr)
(Photo: Twitter screenshot @serch_almarazr)

Have the plans been thwarted? apparently yes, as some showed their anger at the news:

(Photo: Twitter screenshot @AlexValdv)
(Photo: Twitter screenshot @AlexValdv)

Meanwhile, others celebrated that in their cities It will only be Sunday and not all weekend:

(Photo: Twitter screenshot @ ferrer1_r)
(Photo: Twitter screenshot @ ferrer1_r)

The Airplanes to succeed in taking the weekend are forged:

(Photo: Twitter screenshot @ jgguzman63)
(Photo: Twitter screenshot @ jgguzman63)
(Photo: Facebook screenshot "The misifus 2.0")
(Photo: Facebook screenshot “El misifus 2.0”)

Apparently, many wanted the law not to be enforced, because alcohol would be the only thing that would encourage them to vote:

(Photo: screenshot from Twitter @eltipopromedio)
(Photo: screenshot from Twitter @eltipopromedio)

However, for those who live in states where the law has been enforced since Friday, the feeling of sadness invades his being:

(Photo: Facebook screenshot "North deposit")
(Photo: Facebook screenshot “Deposito Norteño”)
(Photo: Twitter screenshot @rayelizalder)
(Photo: screenshot from Twitter @rayelizalder)
(Photo: Twitter screenshot @themariomarvel)
(Photo: Twitter screenshot @themariomarvel)
(Photo: Facebook screenshot "Villahermosa's Journal")
(Photo: Facebook screenshot “Diario de Villahermosa”)

the anger and everything that this entails was also present on social networks:

Some are angry with the ban (Photo: Facebook screenshot "Yasser Valdès Mendez")
Some are angry with the ban (Photo: Facebook screenshot “Yasser Valdés Mendez”)

Apparently the beer will have to be traded for other options this weekend:

(Photo: Facebook screenshot "The news of the truth")
(Photo: Facebook screenshot “La Verdad Noticias”)

Although the advance purchases they did not wait:

(Photo: Facebook screenshot "North deposit")
(Photo: Facebook screenshot “Deposito Norteño”)

Election day It will start on Sunday at 8:00 a.m. and end at 6:00 p.m. (Central Mexico Time). INE will install 57,124 reception tables throughout the national territory, which will be operated by 286,380 officials.

The electoral roll is made up of 93,489,989 citizens on the nominal roll and for the result to be binding, approximately 37,439,023 Mexicans must vote.

The question drafted by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation which will have two options of answer “Yes” or “No” will be: “Do you agree or not that the relevant actions be taken, in accordance with the constitutional and legal framework, to undertake a process of clarifying the political decisions taken in recent years by political actors aimed at guaranteeing justice and the rights of potential victims? “.


Dry Law by popular consultation: what will be the hours and restrictions in each state
Miguel Ángel Mancera assured that there is no citizen interest for the popular consultation of AMLO
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