The best memes of Instagram’s fall


(Photo: Twitter @sanramirezz_)
(Photo: Twitter @sanramirezz_)

This Thursday Instagram, one of the most popular social networks among internet users, registered defaults on your system in the world: for several minutes, the platform did not allow the publication stories or photos, send SMS or update the food.

Although the network’s “fall” was recorded in the wee hours of Pacific time, it was possible to gather near 4 thousand reports malfunction, as well as a shower memes about the great fear that some instagramers experienced under the hashtag #instagramdown.

Most of them laughed at the “deception” they had suffered after realizing that indeed, the problem was not with their mobile devices or their Wi-Fi networks; Faced with ignorance, they report, some have restarted their smartphones, the app itself, or even your home modem.

(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)
(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)
(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)
(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)
(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)
(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)

Among this group, other people said they were scared when they considered the possibility that their account was canceled by the same server or, in the worst case, pirate by someone else.

(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)
(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)
(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)
(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)

Thus, the lack of communication and the unknown on the origin of the failure led a large part of the users to Twitter where, they commented, they learned of the event and found relief in realizing their cases were not isolated.

Of course, this phenomenon has also been ridiculed, as in the digital community it is common knowledge that the Blue Bird platform is ideal for reviewing. current trends, opinions or news.

(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)
(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)
(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)
(Photo: screenshot / Twitter)

The errors which occurred in greater quantity were related to the load of the Food, because new posts were not showing and in some cases the app was not showing any content.

Another report concerned the inbox of direct messages since several users have assured that they cannot send or receive responds although you have used the service before.

According to the portal RT, the main countries initially affected were Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Croatia and Finland. However, over time, new regions have expressed their disagreements as they Spain, India and Argentina.

(Photo: EFE / EPA / SASCHA STEINBACH / Archivo)
(Photo: EFE / EPA / SASCHA STEINBACH / Archivo)

For its part, Facebook, the company that owns Instagram, told U.S. media News week one “Technical material” blocked some users from accessing the photo and video platform, and claimed to have done so “Solved ASAP” for those affected.

Problems accessing Instagram even affected some celebrities, like the Spanish singer. Alejandro sanz, who tweeted: “That friend who never fails … Twitter”, in a post accompanied by smiling faces.


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