The best photos of the world 2018 awarded by the World Press Photo


"Crying Girl on the Border" by American photojournalist John Moore has been chosen as the best journalistic photo by
World Press Photo Foundation, which awards the most prestigious international prize for photojournalism. The verdict of the jury of the 62nd edition of the competition was announced today in Amsterdam with the winners of eight categories.

The best 2018 photo was selected from over 78,800 images sent by some 5,000 photographers from 129 countries. The categories of work rewarded are: sport, people, nature, news, general news, environment, long-term projects and contemporary themes.

The photo "Harvest of frog legs", won in the category Nature Credit: Bence Mate

The winner of the best photo of 2017 was Ronaldo Schemidt, photographer from the AFP agency for an image of a young Venezuelan protester in flames.

"Yemen Crisis", is the winner of the category General News Credit: Lorenzo Tugnoli

The photo of Moore, who works for Getty Images, was shortlisted with five other finalists.
unveiled last February. The photojournalist, who won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the Iraq war for the Associated Press, captured the pain and crying of a young girl by the time her mother was arrested at the border between Mexico and the United States. It was taken in June 2018 in McAllen, Texas, on the border with Mexico.

"Girl crying at the border", the photo of 2018 according to the jury of the World Press Award Credit: John Moore

Two-year-old Yana cries in despair as her Honduran mother is registered by an agent at the US border. "It was very difficult to see what was happening in front of my lens and to think about what it would be like for my children to separate from me," Moore said at the time. The publication of the photo on the cover of Time magazine on July 2 sparked a public outcry over the US government's immigration policy, especially when it was reported that the Donald Trump government separated migrant children from their parents. once they've crossed the border.

The picture reflects the tension felt at the border of these two countries in recent months. The jury chose the photo because of its visual power and its "different psychological violence".

Image of the series
Image from the series "The Migrant Caravan" by Swede Pieter Ten Hoopen, voted the best story of the year

For the new award "World Press Photo Story of the Year" was chosen the series "The Migrant Caravan" of the Swedish Pieter Ten Hoopen, who works for the agency VU in Paris. It is linked to Moore's photo because it is the largest caravan of migrants in recent history, with nearly 7,000 travelers (2,300 children, according to the UN), who left Honduras for the United States. United States in order to cross the border with Mexico. The winners of both awards receive a trophy and 10,000 euros.

"Land of Ibeji" by Benedicte Kurzen, Noor and Sanne de Wilde, Noor, first prize winner in the category Portraits, Stories, shows "Dresses for the Church", Kehinde Deborah and Taiwo Credit: Benedicte Kurzen

"The crisis of Lake Chad", received the first prize in the category Environment, Stories, shows an orphan who pbades in front of a wall with drawings showing rocket propelled grenade launchers in Bol, Chad. Credit: Marco Gualazzini / Contrasto

"Blessed the fruit: Ireland's fight to overturn the laws against abortion", was awarded the first prize in the category "Contemporary Problems, Stories", shows the reform of the law of the United States. abortion Credit: Olivia Harris

"Dakar Fashion" won the first prize in the category Portraits, Singles, shows Diarra Ndiaye, Ndeye Fatou Mbaye and Mariza Sakho, costume models of the designer Adama Paris Credit: Finbarr OReilly

"Crying for Freedom" received top prize in the Sports, Stories, Watch Women category after the AFC Champions League Cup match between Irans Persepolis and Kashi Credit: Forough Alaei

"Hawks and the Arab Influence" for National Geographic, who received first prize in the category Nature, Stories, shows breeder Howard Waller Credit: Brent Stirton / Getty Images

"Beckon Us From Home", awarded first prize in the category of long-term projects, shows students laughing behind the stage before a singing competition and a walk to school. # 6 gymnastics Credit: Sarah Blesener

"Cubanitas" was awarded first prize in the category Contemporary Themes, Singles, shows that Pura walking in his neighborhood in a 1950s rose Credit: Diana Markosian / Magnum Photos

"Akashinga – los Valientes" received first prize in the environment category, shows to Petronella Chigumbura (30 years old) member of an anti-pach group Credit: Brent Stirton / Getty Images


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