The best plantation in 16 years – ON24


Nineteen years ago, there were three wheat seasons, the 1999/00, 2000/01, 2001/02, in which the central region grew between 1.4 and 1.5 M ha of wheat. From that moment, everything went for the cereals. But a few years ago, he regained his importance. And in this cycle, with seedling growth of 93%, its expansion is consolidated with 1.35 M ha. The rare rains of the week are not an obstacle, to continue to sow about 100 thousand more hectares.

The south center of Santa Fe and the southeast of Córdoba have practically finished planting. There is a shortage of 100,000 hectares, but even in the most backward regions, such as north of Buenos Aires, progress is very good. They believe that by July 20, it is over. There, the progression of the week was 10%, delayed by the showers of the weekend and only 15% of the surface is missing.

It takes its first steps in very good conditions

In very good conditions Wheat goes through the stages that go from emergency to tillering. With good plant stands and no pests, 70% of the tables have leaves. There is 27% that is emerging. A small portion of the more advanced lots, south of Santa Fe, begin tillering


During the 2014/15 season for each lot of wheat or corn, 3 were sown , 6 batches of soy. This year, for each lot of grbad only 2 will be intended for the oilseed. After so many years of rare rotations, the central area will not only maintain the important level of grbad that it has been covering in recent years, but it would add half a million more hectares. Planting of wheat in another 15 days would be virtually closed in the region. Therefore, it is almost a fact that the crop will grow from 1.1 million ha last year to 1.35 in this 2018/2019 cycle. Weeds that have become very difficult to treat also have an impact on costs and, ultimately, the most effective and least expensive option is to increase rotations. This also reinforces the tendency to add corn in the next thicker planes. There are already 100,000 hectares in addition to the one million hectares planted last year. But new lots are added each week and the region is expected to grow 1.25 million hectares. In this way, the first soybean would fall significantly from 4.4 M ha to 3.9 M

Source: GEA


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