The best quotes of Sigmund Freud, on the occasion of a new anniversary of his birth


His full name was Sigismund Schlomo Freud, although today many limit themselves to calling Sigmund Freud as “the father of psychoanalysis”. Born on May 6 From 1856 in what is now the Czech Republic, at the age of 17, Freud entered the University of Vienna starting a career in medicine.

In 1881 he became a physician and was the promoter of great advances in his science, such as the therapeutic use of cocaine as a pain reliever and stimulant.

But what makes Sigmund Freud the memorable character that he is to this day are, without a doubt, his methods and contributions to the field of psychology and psychiatry.

What Freud was basically proposing was the so-called “speech cure”, in which a monologue of the patient and his analyst, without censorship or moral judgment, makes it possible to attenuate the hysterical and neurotic symptoms in the pursuit of their total disappearance.

Some of his patients were renowned figures such as Princess Alice of Greece and Denmark, Princess Marie Bonaparte and Gustav Mahler, among others.

However, his work is his greatest legacy. Songs like “Interpretation of dreams“,”Psychopathology of everyday life“And ‘hysteria studies’ feed modern psychology and are referenced by millions of students and professionals around the world.

On September 23, 1939, Freud died in London, UK. He had been diagnosed with jaw cancer and had undergone more than 30 surgeries.

Thoughts and phrases of Sigmund Freud

Making a limited selection of Sigmund Freud’s sentences is complex, as his contribution has been so extensive. Here are some of the most famous:

These and other sentences by Freud reflect the Oedipus complex, the bonds of love, human existence and other unknowns.


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