The best thing that will happen to me is to rest


“I am calmer since the procedure was authorized, I laugh more and I sleep more calmly”, he said in an interview with Radio Caracol.

Although in Colombia euthanasia has been legal since 1997 for terminally ill patients, Martha Sepúlveda adhered to it after a decision by the to research Constitutional, the highest court in the country, which has extended this right to other cases.

The decision included patients who suffer from an illness that causes them intense suffering due to bodily injury or a serious and incurable illness.

“I am totally calm. I consider myself to be a very believer in God, but I repeat, God does not want to see me suffer and I do not believe anyone. What father wants to see his children suffer? “Said the woman who recognizes herself as a believer.

I know that life is given by the will of God, but I believe that he allows it and rewards me because I am not going to be bedridden.“, He added.

On her way to rest, Martha first had to overcome the rejection of her loved ones – her son and 11 siblings – who ultimately supported her in her decision to end her suffering.

“Obviously, if I wasn’t in this diagnosis and had to die on Sunday I wouldn’t be calm, but with lateral sclerosis in the state I have, the best thing that can happen to me is to rest», He expressed.

“A priori I need my mother, I want her with me, almost in any condition, but I know that in her words she no longer lives, she survives. I mainly try to make her laugh and to make his stay on earth a little more pleasant, ”said Federico Redondo, his 22-year-old son.

Martha Sepúlveda said she was leaving with no regrets and happy for the life she lived. When the interviewer mentioned that it was strange for her to talk about herself in the past tense, she replied, “Well, sure, that doesn’t make much sense, does it? I’m talking in the past tense because I’m already in the home stretch ”.

Since 2015, when the government regulated euthanasia, 157 procedures have been performed in Colombia.

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