The bicameral intelligence quoted by Judge Ramos Padilla | Chronic


By Luis Mendoza
[email protected]

The bicameral Commission of Inspectorate of Agencies and Intelligence activities decided Thursday to quote the Federal Judge of Dolores, next Thursday, Alejo Ramos Padilla, who studies an espionage network developed by a parapublic organization. This issue was resolved at a plenary session of this legislative body chaired by the national senator. Juan Carlos Marino and it was also agreed to create a sub-committee to badyze the information sent last week by the magistrate to the Congress.

"We have to see in what frame Alessio has worked and whether the law on intelligence has been violated or not (…) Alessio seems a very unlikely man, but we will see after if what is wrong?" 39, he says is corroborated or not, the judge will have to do it " @ Lipovetzky with @rominamanguel

– Va from Vuelta (@ vadevuelta870)
March 14, 2019

Similarly, it was agreed to convene the holder of the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI), Gustavo Arribas The subcommittee to consider the items sent by Ramos Padilla and to prepare a report will be formed by the Senator Pedro Guastavino (Justicialista) and the deputies Daniel Lipovetzky (PRO) and Rodolfo Tailhade (Before for Victoria-PJ).

Senator Marino stated at the end of the meeting held in the annex of the former savings bank that it was a "very good meeting" in which "the box was opened" with the documentation sent by the judge of Dolores. He added that the three legislators will have the mission to badyze "with more care and responsibility, more than four thousand pages " received, as part of the extortion case involving Marcelo DAlessio (arrested) and the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, among others.

As planned for more than 15 days, today at 11 pm. the Bic Commission meets from the Congress Intelligence. Among the 8 topics to be treated, you will find information that Judge Ramos Padilla sent us.

– Juan Carlos Marino (@Juancmarino)
March 14, 2019

On the other hand, he rejected the opposite criticisms formulated by the operation of the bicameral. "There is a lot of tweeting, on one side and on the other, which speaks of the irresponsibility of this president who did not call the judge. I do not work for a media show, it's a serious and responsible commission that does things when it has to do them ", he stressed.

Since I have chaired the Commission, we are still working with seriousness, transparency and consensus of all members. We will continue in this direction and we will decide together on the steps to follow in the case involving Stornelli

– Juan Carlos Marino (@Juancmarino)
March 14, 2019

In this line, he said that "When there are judicial processes, we must pay close attention to the distribution of powers; You can not prejudge. " He stressed that "This is the first time that a federal judge asks to appear before the Bicameral Intelligence Commission. And whenever anyone asks for it, we will receive it. " he said.

After the testimony of Judge Ramos Padilla, the Congress should set up the prosecution commission, citing lawyers Casal and Stornelli.

In addition, badyze the behavior of deputies Carrió and Olivetto and their relations with D & # 39; Alessio.

– Agustín Rossi (@RossiAgustinOk)
March 14, 2019

The badault of Rossi

For its part, the leader of the FpV-PJ deputies' bloc, Agustín Rossi, He expected that he would officially request the withdrawal of the lower house of deputies. Elisa Carrió and Paula Oliveto, Civic Coalition and Interlocking Change. "I will make a presentation so that Carrio and Oliveto are separated from Congress, because if the complaints are verified, it is shown that there is a relationship between the intelligence services and these deputies." We are in the presence of MPs who have used intelligence services with different purposes, such as harming their colleagueshe discussed.

He recalled that Judge Ramos Padilla had testified Wednesday at the plenary session of the Committee of Deputies for Freedom of Expression, "captures, audios, files, writings"in which he referred to the activities of a" semi-public organization "dedicated to illegal espionage." Kirchner's representative indicated that "there is an audio of Marcelo DAlessio with Oliveto, who was after the raid" that the magistrate carried out himself at the home of the false lawyer.

What a judge lends to the spectacle of a political party talking about the lack of attachment to institutional norms. A deep concern for political violence K. #SomosLaVidaSomosLaPaz

– Paula Oliveto (@pau_oliveto)
March 13, 2019

According to him, "the ramifications of DAlessio with the institutional power are clear and it is clear that this has a direct link with Stornelli, prosecutor of the case of the notebooks and their links with the aforementioned deputies". In his presentation to the Chamber of Deputies, Judge Ramos Padilla stated that the case involving alleged extortion involving Prosecutor Stornelli represents a "negligible" part of the known and reiterated revelations that investigates "a network of judicial espionage magnitudes".


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