The big risk of López Obrador: "his economic illiteracy", Denise Dresser


Nearly six months after the government of Andrés Manuel López ObradorThe worst fears of its detractors in economic matters have not been met: the peso has not been devalued, nor inflation has exploded, but the future trajectory of the realization of the first exercise continues to preoccupy several sectors.

For the Dr. Denise Dresser, "The economic illiteracy" of the president is Achilles Heel of the government.

"There are two kinds of people. those who do not know and those who do not know but believe they know. The President is the second. Someone who daily mocks technicians, calls the economy an "office", despises knowing, despises science, trivializes the experience and believes it is always right. Someone who daily ignores those who present difficult data, no one who warns him of the consequences of the positions he takes, silences those who try to tell him that he is making mistakes and that He is very serious. By the way he cuts, spends and writes memoranda, López Obrador demonstrates the Achilles heel of the project he wants to promote: his economic illiteracy. The biggest danger of 4T and who runs it is not its "populism"; is his ignorance, "he writes in his space Reform the academician and the political scientist.

"Ignorance of the functioning of the state and markets. Ignorance of how a budget is established and the variables involved in its preparation and exercise. Ignorance of the link between growth and collection, certainty and investment, regulation and competition, competition and productivity, social policy and informality, monopolies and revenue extraction, nascent capitalism and economic underdevelopment. The president is intellectually stuck in the paradigms of the past. He speaks, writes and dictates documents as if he has stopped reading, informing and educating himself since 1970. He defends his vision of state capitalism and discretionary capitalism as if these not produced crisis after crisis because of politicization and personalization of economic policy. This badumes a national development plan inspired by 1906 documents, "said Mr. Dresser.

Figures from the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) revealed that the collection in the first two months of 2019 was 2.3% below budget. the president was satisfied with public finances.

"Well, the economic part. The collection is good, we have no problem, they said that they were paying taxes, there were 12% more taxpayers than last year. To give you an idea, we have tax revenues of one billion four hundred thousand and we have exercised one billion three hundred thousand, so we bring a mattress, "he said at his conference Tuesday morning.

"Our detractors say that it is a subejercicio, no, they are savings"

For all entities that expect growth of less than 4%, AMLO is maintaining its challenge. "As for growth, it is progressing and we have the bet of our opponents, badysts, experts, who say that the economy will not develop."

López Obrador counts all his economic hopes in the fight against corruption and his social programs to which trillions of treasure are destined.

"This discipline allows us to be calmbecause there will be no deficit, we will not spend more than we enter and we will not increase the debt in real terms. "

López Obrador maintains his confidence in the strength of the peso.

"The weight very well, there is international pressure for trade negotiations between the United States and China, but it is still good, it is not to claim victory, but we did not have the victory " he badured.

Despite the complex technicalities of economists, AMLO sums up its economic formula.

"If there is no corruption, it means at least 1 point of growth, that's why I am calm. One thing that was not done was to reactivate the economy from below. "

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