"The biggest march of all", keeps Chile …


From Santiago

Chile has woken up and will not rest until there is no structural change. This is what the thousands of people who met in Plaza Italia around 5 pm around a meeting called "The greatest march of all" wanted to demonstrate, with the intention of reproducing this event last Friday. It was a much more massive mobilization than yesterday at the same time, which included mainly young students and costumes and masks Connected with the spirit of Halloween. Fifteen days after the start of the outbreak, locals feared to let people know that they were not tired. Meanwhile, the government has again responded with fire and tear gas that do not forgive or are far away.
Throughout the holidays of Day of the Dead, the city has presented two very different climates. Afternoon, a set of emotional rituals highlighted those who are no longer there and those who were tortured, stripped, kidnapped, assaulted, raped, burned and shot at this stage. A huge group of women who organized themselves via social networks with the slogan "Women in mourning" walked in absolute silence from the Salvador station to the Palacio de la Moneda.
They all wore black. They were wearing arms raised, clusters of flowers, flags of Chile in black, posters in memory of the missing of the last military dictatorship, a sheet with pictures of the dead of Chile woke up. Nobody in this event dared to disrespect the silence and it was so peaceful that if anyone dared to confront a carabinero, he would be reprimanded ("useless"). The many column advanced by an Alameda that contains all the traces of the epidemic. Shards of glass, charred buildings, important public buildings – such as the National Library – have completely intervened under the effect of the spray. Upon arriving at the seat of government, the women sang the anthem of these mobilizations, "The right to live in peace" of Victor Jara, and "La Cigale" of María Elena Walsh.
The old church of San Francisco was lined with pictures of young people who died, such as Joshua Osorio, 17, who was burned to death. Or the street artist Daniela Cardoso (36), hanging in front of her neighbors, after being sexually assaulted by men in uniform. Relatives of missing and deceased persons were not visible on the march, if they were there. Many have not complained yet and prefer not to talk about what happened. "This generation did not think I was going to live this, so we were not afraid of curfew," says Valentina Barrios, a young woman who participates in currency tours every Friday. by relatives of detainees and disappeared. In the Communist Youth She is the companion of a young man who was arrested and tortured in a grenadier regiment in Iquique, whose shocked photos circulated yesterday. "He was running, he was caught, with kicks, there was shooting simulation, sexual abuse, they excited him, they hit him, he has a liquid flowing in the eyes, "tragically enumerated Valentina.
Earlier, a community of sahumadoras paid tribute to the missing and the dead – 29 years old, at a ceremony held in Plaza Baquedano and that took up aspects of the Mexican tradition. "Sahumar must harmonize, release energies, give peace. Heal Clean also, in a sense, "said Roxana Campos Araya, the woman who led the ritual. Gathered in circles, with conch shells and sahumerians, the women placed crosses with the names of those who fell to the ground. They planned to bury them at the National Museum of Fine Arts. "We wanted to put the corpse and make a colorful tribute. It was important to make a prayer to help them get up and make them visible, "said another of the sahumadoras, called Sayen. A third group of women offered a bodily expression performance to the wounded. They were dressed in black and had gauze on their eyes.
If at that time the street belonged to women who defended human rights and made visible the victims of the violence of the state, the climate of Plaza Italia had changed radically at the end of the day . The whole city with its varied claims in the posters gathered there after Police scattered with mouths – here called guanacos – protesters in the money. The gases were powerful. Few people say they are more and more toxic. Like yesterday, they were thrown from the Baquedano metro station and the Bustamante Park was also repressive. Protesters distributed water with baking soda and jugular. The park boundaries were also full.
"What other number than Pineapple managed to unite two opposing barrabravas? ", Said Jorge, who drank a beer and highlighted the Colo Colo and Universidad de Chile flags brandished by his fans nearby. Pots, drums, whistles rang everywhere; The Chilean and Mapuche flags were flying. "Whoever does not jump is paco"Was one of the most repeated songs. As color data, the mobilization added a group of protesters from Limache (Valparaiso region) during a walk. "My son received seven shots on his back for helping the Red Cross. I'm 79 years old and I'm going out the same way, "said Carlos, holding a cardboard that was questioning the pension system. He attached particular importance to being able to express himself in a media: "Journalism hides everything here. Do not show that. "Fifteen days after the social explosion, the Chilean people then demonstrated several things: that he will fight for his dead, that he will search for his missing and that will not leave the streets before being heard.


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