The bitter interview in which Luismi's daughter claimed her last name and compared it to Luisito Rey


Sunday, July 15, 2018

It was the year 2006. Michelle Salas was then 16 years old and more than 10 years ago she knew nothing about her father, Luis Miguel. The teenager, whose identity was no secret in Mexico, broke the silence in Who magazine and not only claimed the name, but also came to compare it with Luisito Rey. Then the hardest fragments of the interview.
What are you dreaming about: Having a strong family, not a little lie; not to leave shy things in my life; with getting married and not getting divorced. I do not want to depend on my husband either.
You seem very independent: Yes, I will first do my thing and once it will be established, I will meet someone who also has his business, because I will not keep the guy either. And I do not want a famous couple. I do not like getting stardom. Let's say I want to break with the chain of fruitless relationships of all the women in my family.

Is there anything in your life that you would change ?: I would not change it, I would add things. I would have liked my mother to be married and married for years. well, of course they know what I would add.
The cover with which Michelle managed to approach Luis Miguel. The cover with which Michelle managed to approach Luis Miguel.
What does it mean to be the daughter of Luis Miguel ?: Fight because everyone sees me as a person because I've always been "Michelle, the girl of … ". It's horrible that people are secretaries behind my back: "Look, here's Luis Miguel's daughter." They already know that I am the daughter of Luis Miguel, they are not involved. I will be an old lady and I will continue to be Luis Miguel's old maid.
How and when did you find out who your father was? I think he was about three years old. From the exact age, I do not remember. My mother told me when she felt that she was already conscious of understanding things.
Do you remember what you felt ?: It was weird, but at the same time I realized that sooner or later I should know it. When you are a child, you do not badimilate it, that 's why when they said "you go to your father" or "look what he sent you", he' s mingling with me. seemed to be a father.
Do you still visit him and receive gifts from him ?: No. I stopped seeing him at six. Obviously, I have some pride. I do not care if you give me gifts, all that I wanted material from my grandmother, my great grandmother, my aunt and my mother.

Do not miss anything in life? Of course, I missed it. I can not say that I am the happiest girl, but I do not like to become a martyr or walk as a victim for life.
In January (2007) Luis Miguel will give concerts in Mexico, will you? I will not pay a peso to see him in concert. If they invite me or send me tickets, I will not lose anything, but I will not spend three thousand pesos to see Luis Miguel in the front row.
Are not you a fan of your father ?: No, I see him differently. There may be many people who pay thousands of pesos for an entry and form hours to get it, I will never do it. If you want me to leave, invite me.
But you recognize that he has an indisputable talent: Of course! He sings very well and from a very young age he has a wonderful voice. Whatever it is and have the mistakes you have, this voice is not removed to anyone. And if singing is what makes it complete, good for him.

Do you follow your father's life through the media ?: I hear about some things, but not in detail. I know that he came out with half of the women in Mexico, America and Europe. And it is impossible to ignore it when I see it even on the pillow.
You will have an opinion about the couples your father had. Are you jealous ?: Jealousy. But it's your life, it's your tastes and I will not judge you. Now, there have been some of her girlfriends who say "my respects" and there are others who ask me "how can this be?".
What do you think Aracely Arámbula (the girlfriend of the singer)? This is certainly not the best. I did not know anything else about her that she appeared in the telenovela "Amigas y Rivales" and that 's until she appears in "Quién" that I knew who she was. Let's say I have no comments. I am not interested in knowing her or taking care of myself.
It is said that she is pregnant: I hope not. It would be very good for my dad to have another girl.
If you were facing Luis Miguel, what would you say ?: Back 16 years.
Do you think he imagines how you feel and think ?: Let's see, his family is not very strong either, and for that reason he understands how I feel and what I feel, because it's been my place.
What do you ask your father ?: Think and realize that just as he does with what his father did, there are people around. Although everyone admires him and is the Sun of Mexico, his actions have an impact on others. I do not ask for a life, I just want you to give me five minutes to explain your reasons. Tell me what happened and now! Because I hear versions from all sides: from my mother, from my grandmother. and that frustrates me, for who do I believe?

He has never accepted his paternity: please; He saw me. Of course, he saw me! Of course, he knows that I exist and I know that I should not say these things, but I have the pants to do it, and see that I am smaller. I think if I can, he can too.
Why do you think he handled things like this ?: Because he cares more about his fame and his women, but the women are not going away because I am. It's not going to get ugly and I'm not going to ride it. I invite you to think about whether you are safe because it may be too late after a while.
It is said that you are the girl she has never seen: I do not want to be sorry to be the unrecognized daughter of Luis Miguel when he knows that I exist . Maybe he's not ready to meet me.
Is there anything else that Luis Miguel should know ?: Let the words be carried by the wind. The acts that I saw for a few years and then nothing. Maybe that's the reason I leave everything between my hearts in my life. The fact that he is the king does not mean that what he does will be fine. Money and fame are not everything. After a while, Luis Miguel is old, who do you think he'll have at his side? Aracely Arambula will he be there? Of course not. Let him think, think about things and. I leave it at his discretion.
The interview was strong before and after in their two lives. And, although many bet that Michelle's scathing statements were going to have a negative impact on the singer, the approach came and five years later gave her the last name.
Source: BigBangNews

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