The bloody story of “Dexter”, the Brazilian serial killer who killed 71 criminals


Pedro Rodrigues Filho (Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Minas Gerais, July 17, 1954), says Pedrinho matador, it’s a assassin brazilian serial that between 1967 and 2003 kill 71 people, including 43 inmates while he was already in prison.

Pedrinho matador pursued and killed drug dealers, rapists, murderers and pedophiles.

Three years later, from October 1, 2006 to September 22, 2013, Dexter morgan, entered homes through the screen and hand in hand with the Showtime production. The “widowers” of the series even continued with the books of Jeff Lindsay.

The modus operandi of the character of Dexter Morgan followed the logic of the psychopath of justice; the same one followed by Pedrinho Matador (Photo: Showtime)

Dexter it was quite a phenomenon. But beyond fiction, the serial killer – who had a strict moral code of only eliminating the worst in society – had a true correlate living in Brazil and their stories have been widely compared.

Pedro Rodrigues Filho he has a lot in common with the elusive Miami serial killer known as “The Butcher of Bay Harbor” who appears in the series: he also comes from a dysfunctional family and began his horrors at a very young age. age.

Pedrinho matdor was born on a farm in Santa Rita do Sapucaí, in southern Minas Gerais, as reported in an interview with the Epoca Magazine, in 2003 and the family environment in which it developed was problematic.

During Pedro’s pregnancy, the mother was beaten so badly that the baby suffered a skull injury product of a kick in the stomach that his father gave him. In this complicated context, Never been to school and began his life in crime at the age of 14. He learned to read already in prison.

The beginning of a criminal life

In the same interview with Epoca Magazine, Pedro said that the first time he want to kill went to 13 years, when he quarreled with his older cousin. On this occasion, she pushed him into a hurry of sugar cane. It almost killed him.

To the 14 years old committed his first murder: killed the town mayor after his father was sacked from his post as a school guard on suspicion of steal food for lunch.

His desire for revenge also extended to the man Peter believed to be the real culprit of the theft. He shot them both with the your grandfather’s shotgun.

Later, he fled to Mogi das Cruzes, in Greater São Paulo, where he began stealing drug traffickers and killing traffickers.


Soon met Maria Aparecida Olympia, nicknamed slippers, and after the love blossomed, they began to live together. Botinha got pregnant, but lost the baby when she left realized by the leader of a rival gang. Rodrigues managed to escape for revenge.

Enraged by this, Filho committed a slaughter at a wedding organized by the gang leader, where he and a few friends they killed brutally seven people and wounded to others 16.

Months after the massacre, she found out that her favorite cousin’s boyfriend had made her pregnant, but that she had refuse a to marry with her; and shot him for revenge.

Filho later learned that his father was in prison for murder Yes dismember his mother with a machete. Pedro Rodriguez Filho he visited his father in prison and killed him with 22 stab wounds. After the murder, he ripped out her heart and took a bite.

Homicides in prison

Rodriguez son He continued to murder numerous criminals and was eventually arrested on May 24, 1973. After his arrest, Pierre was put in a car with another criminal, a rapist, whose murdered later.

During his incarceration, he continued to kill people in prison, claiming the lives of 47 inmates. Sometimes he has killed prisoners for his past as a murderer of criminals, which has made the majority of the prison population hate him.

In an attack by other detainees, Pedrinho Rodriguez Filho was ambushed. However, the plan did not go as planned and killed three of his attackers and hurt the other two.


Son almost was released from prison in 2003, but the request for release was rejected due to his murders inside the prison.

He was officially released on April 24, 2007, but was arrested again at his home on September 15, 2011 and found guilty of riot and forcible confinement.

He admitted that his only motivation for being released was the fact that I had a girlfriend out of jail. He was then sentenced to 128 years of imprisonment for these charges.

Due to the fact that Brazil repealed the decree that states that diagnosed psychopaths can be detained indefinitely, and the fact that Brazil’s maximum prison sentence is 30 years, Pedrinho matador was released in 2018, after 42 years old jail.

Pit the 67 years old (which just shot yesterday July 17) and outside the concrete walls of São Paulo Penitentiary it has become speaker, published a book and has a documentary.

Also 184,000 subscribers in your YouTube channel (PedrinhoEXMatadorePabloSilva), where he comments on crimes committed by others. Recently he spoke of the Ceilândia massacre.

The YouTube channel is intended to guide young people, to comment on their criminal history and that of other crimes. (Photo: Youtube)


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