The blue dollar is trading at maximum and the quota of US $ 200 per person to access the official is renewed: what obstacles are in effect


August started with exchange voltage at the peaks. the blue dollar is greater than $ 180, which is consolidated as the most expensive option to obtain the North American currency.

In this way the distance from “solidarity”, In other words, the official value plus taxes which make it 65% more expensive, stretches over 12 pesos, making it many savers pay attention to this segment to try to cover some of your savings.

The solidarity dollar opens in $ 167.89, 14% increase so far this year against more than 20% of “free”, such as the Stock Exchange or the MEP and cash with liquidation.

With the start of the new month, the quota renewal monthly US $ 200 per person, and savers seek access to currency through their banks, although it restrictions.

In June last, when the rise of the parallel began, more people have accessed with the purchase of official dollar. It was about first increase monthly of the amount of foreign currency acquired by savers after nine months of decline, according to the latest available data from the Central Bank. But they are far from the peaks observed until August 2020.

Stocks were increased last September: in addition to the limit at Monthly amount authorized, they hold a series of requirements Yes the government does not plan to flexibilize measures. This was ratified by the Minister of the Economy, Martin Guzman.

Despite the fact that many of the conditions that created the restriction are no longer in effect, restrictions on access to the foreign exchange market continue.

Among the restrictions that were established from conditions that are no longer valid, the following stand out:

  • Those who, at some point in the past year, do not have access to dollars received their salary With the program ATP.
  • Bank customers who have entered one of the facilities for paying debts awarded in connection with the pandemic. For example, the refinancing of unpaid balances of credit card or the freezing of the maturities of the UVA loan and the subsequent payment convergence plan.
  • Those who have received any of the three are also outside the universe of official dollar buyers. IFE who were paid last year or who are receiving some other state subsidy, such as the AUH.
  • Those who have received subsidized loans from the state cannot buy US banknotes from banks either. This includes monotributistas and independent who benefited from zero-interest loans in 2020 as well as to SMEs which benefited from loans at a rate of 24%.

To this they add other conditionalities, like the inability to access official dollars if in the last 90 days it has been traded on the stock market in dollars or the ban on buying tickets at the official exchange rate if the dollar expenditure with the credit card exceeds the monthly quota of US $ 200.

On the side of assistance with the payment of salaries, those who have received their salary or are about to receive it Through the Repro II they do not have access either to the official foreign exchange market.

the restriction on bank accounts With many co-owners: only one can use the monthly quota and all the co-holders find themselves without the possibility of buying banknotes.


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