The blue dollar rose by one peso and closed at $ 170


Towards the end of the week for the forex market, the blue dollar added one peso and sold for $ 170, maintaining its uptrend since last session. Either way, it is still one of the most expensive currencies in the forex market.

Currently, the gap between the free ticket and the official ticket is around 69%, far from the 150% ceiling observed in mid-October. The parallel started the week down, where it lost $ 5 to $ 168, after rising $ 10 the week before. However, on Thursday it left its decline and the peso rebounded to $ 169. Last month, the blue dollar hit its peak value for the year, trading at $ 174.

In turn, the financial dollar was green. The MEP or “Bolsa” climbed 1% to $ 167.35. Meanwhile, Cash With Liqui rose 2% to $ 169.79. Finally, the official dollar remained unchanged and sold for $ 100.75. The same happened with the solidarity dollar, which stood at $ 166.24.

Financial markets

S&P Merval rose 0.2% to 62,170 units. The panel of the Buenos Aires Cresud (3.1%), Transportadora Gas del Sur (2.2%) and Edenor (2.1%) stock exchanges led the panel. In contrast, YPF (-1.9%), Cablevisión Holding (-1.1%) and BBVA (-0.8%) fell.

As for the papers listed on the New York Stock Exchange (ADR), they also operated in the red hand in hand with YPF and Grupo Supervielle with 2%. BBVA (-1.6%), Grupo Financiero Galicia (-1.5%) and Irsa (-1.1%) also fell. Conversely, Telecom (1.2%), Cresud (0.8%) and Despegar (0.5%) are progressing.

Respect to countries at risk, the indicator created by JP Morgan to measure the yield spread between US Treasuries and those of the rest of the world, rose 0.1% to 1,586 points.

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