The Bolsonaro government's approval collapses


According to one investigation made by CNT / MDA consultant, the The government of Jair Bolsonaro he has one 39.5% failure Brazilians and an evaluation 29.1% more. Only 29.4% think it's good or very good.

What a landslide of the management evaluation at worst level in eight months who has a mandate in Brazil.

In the meantime, also his picture it is also suffering the ravages of the economic paralysis that suffers the country rose from a 66% positive personal endorsement in January of this year to one of 41% and a disapproval that exceeds 53%.

The survey shows the existence of a hard core of government support that affects about 30% of the population.

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Meeting with Angela Merkel in the G7 Biarritz, Trump said that he had the "German blood" and hoped not to raise prices on German cars, in addition to wanting to reach a good trade agreement with the company. 39; EU, which is "as difficult" as China negotiate

The survey was conducted among 2,000 people in 137 municipalities.


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