The bones found in the Vatican: DNA has allowed an incredible discovery – 31/01/2019


The discovery of human bones at Villa Giorgina, the seat of the Vatican nunciature, on Via Po, in the center of Rome, on October 30, 2018, this caused a media explosion.

After 35 years If the remains of Emanuela Orlandi had been discovered, the daughter quinceañera of a Vatican employee disappeared on June 22, 1983, and by Mirella Gregori, also 15 years old and gone a few days ago, both in the heart of Rome?

Journalists watch the entrance of the Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See in Rome, Italy (EFE).

Journalists watch the entrance of the Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See in Rome, Italy (EFE).

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During some remodeling tasks they found a jaw, several teeth a femur, skull fragments and several ribs.

Pope ordered a thorough investigation that it was entrusted to the Vatican authorities, to the Italians and in particular to the Procura of Rome and the scientific police.

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And three months later, the results revealed an incredible discovery.

The Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See in Rome, Italy, a stone's throw from Villa Borghese (ANSA).

The Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See in Rome, Italy, a stone's throw from Villa Borghese (ANSA).

After comparing the bones to Emanuela and Mirella's DNA, we arrived at A first control: they were not.

Second verification: the body belonged to TWO MEN.

Third and unbelievable evidence: Scientific examinations revealed that these men lived between the 90s and 230s after Christ.

Emanuela Orlandi disappeared on June 22, 1983 at the age of 15 (Víctor Sokolowicz).

Emanuela Orlandi disappeared on June 22, 1983 at the age of 15 (Víctor Sokolowicz).

These remains they would be part of an old necropolis, since the imperial era the graves were made along the roads to Rome. The place where the nunciature is now called Sepolcreto Salary, a large cemetery it was stuck to Aurelian's wall and occupied a vast extension between the old Salarian road (now via Pinciana) and the Salaria Nueva road (the current via Salaria).

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There people of the high society of that time were buried. The exact place where the bones were was in Via Po, at the corner of Via Salaria.

The Procura of Rome at the time of the discovery of the remains had opened an investigation of unknown persons for homicide. Now he will proceed to close it and clbadify the case.

A march to the Vatican to ask the truth about the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi. In the foreground, the Emanuela brothers (ANSA) (transmission: Victor Sokolowicz).

A march to the Vatican to ask the truth about the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi. In the foreground, the Emanuela brothers (ANSA) (transmission: Victor Sokolowicz).

Antonietta Gregori, sister of Mirella, said in Chi Rai 3, Rai 3's TV show: "I am aware, right now and through the program, of the results of the human remains survey. We have officially communicated with us to tell us it.I only hope that after this episode, the reflectors will not come out anymore.I hope that my sister Mirella and Emanuela Orlandi will not be forgotten. And I hope that my sister's business will be reopened. "

Spare parts at the nunciature. In this way, the remains were discovered (AFP).

Spare parts at the nunciature. In this way, the remains were discovered (AFP).

Discouraged, Antonietta added: "We were hoping that it would act remnants of Mirella and Emanuela.We thought we could end a dramatic story that has been going on for 35 years, but that's not the case. Was not like that. "

Nobody knows yet whether Emanuela Orlandi and Mirella Gregori are alive or have died 35 years ago. Relatives of teenagers (and part of Italian society) feel that the Vatican has been complicit or participated in their disappearances. And they are absolutely certain that the Vatican (from its curia) deliberately covered the investigations.


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