The boy's mother struck by the son of a deputy: He died in the hands of a person who believes himself unpunished


"He went away with impunity, arranged everything he wanted, and as any son of power did" Norma said in televised remarks. "They were going to do the autopsy on Sunday afternoon to deliver it to me tomorrow, but suddenly a charitable soul turned everything upside down and they reviewed it yesterday."

"Nobody called me, you must still have" He died in the hands of a person who thinks he is unpunished "" I am from the Correa family I added: "He died in the hands of a man who thinks himself unpunished" burying my son and tomorrow begins a long road of struggle, "he said about the protest which will take place at 10 am at the UFI 3 of Moreno at Ceballos 350.

"As the picture is seen everywhere, the name of my son will mark a trend" he badured and added: "It was Fede, the son of the janitor of 24 and now I became the norm, the mother of the child who killed the son of the deputy, they changed my blanket." [19659002] After the accident, Fabio Correa hid the Ford EcoS port truck in his girlfriend's house . Then he went to Moreno police station where he was arrested for "culpable homicide."

Moreno 3's lawyer, Luisa Ponte Corvo, is also investigating whether Correa was drunk when he killed Rearte. The victim was the son of the guardian of a school.

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