The Brazilian right in crisis | Bo’s awkwardness …


All the sectors that make up the Brazilian right, from the most extreme to the most moderate, were content to continue to subordinate themselves to the leadership of Jair Bolsonaro and counted on him as their candidate in 2022, to try again, in one way or another. on the other hand, to win at the PT. The increased level of support for Bolsonaro after emergency aid confirmed to several sectors that they wanted to have an alternative candidate that it would be impossible to contest with him.

But suddenly, the government went into crisis due to the accumulation of a series of events that directly affected Bolsonaro, throwing him off balance. Before the election in the United States, a series of complaints had already spread about his son Flávio, who seems to be in an increasingly critical situation.

Elections in the United States immediately followed, taking Bolsonaro by surprise, who naively believed in Donald Trump’s bravado that he would be easily re-elected. In public, Bolsonaro does not want to acknowledge Biden’s victory, but he assumes the new situation. A defeat with consequences on several levels for him. First, the international isolation of his government’s policy without the Trump administration.

Second, the election signals the failure of Bolsonaro’s political style, when Trump joins the shortlist of U.S. presidents who failed to be reelected. This defeat strikes Bolsonaro as he clearly submits everything to his re-election project.

Third, in the form of Trump’s defeat, the opposition making the election campaign a referendum on Trump, bringing together all sectors that reject him, from moderate Republican Party leaders to the more radical like the Wing. left wing of the Democratic Party. A situation that Bolsonaro also experiences, when his remarks are confronted with the disastrous reality of his government, a tactic that the Brazilian opposition can follow.

Fourth, the pressure that the new US government will exert on the Brazilian, especially on issues of protection of the Amazon, as well as on issues of human rights and international politics. Government life will not be easy from the day after the new US government, January 20, 2021.

The municipal elections brought bad results for Bolsonaro. At first he said he would not participate in campaigns, but ended up participating in the most disastrous way. He became the biggest loser, with a strengthening of all sectors of the opposition, both right and left.

The various sectors of the right are distancing themselves from Bolsonaro. The PSDB reaffirms that its candidate will be João Doria, Governor of São Paulo. The DEM, reinforced during the elections, begins to prepare for the candidacy of Luciano Huck, pop star of television. The PSD, which is the party that picked the most candidates in the election, says it will have its own candidate. The political bloc supporting Bolsonaro is thus weakened, more and more dependent on the Centrao, an uncertain ally as the new presidential elections approach.

Paradoxically, when there is a spirit of unity on the left, it is the right that suffers the most from its divisions, openly entering into crisis. Bolsonaro depends more than before on the economic situation, which is in a deplorable state. 2022 then appears more and more to be even more favorable to the left. If the coming great crisis does not impose shorter deadlines on the current government


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