The Brazilian Senate approved the total ban on abortion – 13/02/2019


The plenary of the Senate of Brazil approved by majority to resume discussion of a project that prohibits abortion in all circumstances, even in cases of women who have been raped.

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Senator Eduardo Girao, from the Podemos party who supports the president Jair Bolsonaro, was the driving force of the initiative.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has clearly expressed his desire to avoid the legalization of abortion, whatever the circumstances. / DPA

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has clearly expressed his desire to avoid the legalization of abortion, whatever the circumstances. / DPA

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This project is the "dream of Brazilian life", and through it will end the "interference" of the Federal Supreme Court that in 2012, authorized pregnancy suspension of fetuses anancéfalos.

The vote of Tuesday night authorized the Senate retry a draft constitutional amendment against abortion archived in 2015 and whose author was former senator and evangelical pastor Magno Malta

In the offices of Magno Malta, she worked as a consultant until the end of 2018. the current Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, Damares Alves. Pastor Alves also defends the creation of a "scholarship" for raped women who decide not to interrupt their pregnancy. In principle, it would be sought that the rapist, if he is identified, be responsible for providing this money; otherwise, it will come from public funds.

The militant minister

While Jair Bolsonaro's government has been explicit in its attempts to fight what they call the advance of "gender ideology", the Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights Human rights Damares Alves, is perhaps the most visible face of this crusade.

Damares Alves, Brazilian Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, is one of the most powerful figures of Jair Bolsonaro's government who opposes abortion . / AFP

Damares Alves, Brazilian Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, is one of the most powerful figures of Jair Bolsonaro's government who opposes abortion . / AFP

Upon taking office, Alvez clarified that his goals were to prohibit abortion in all circumstances and to approve the Statute of the Unborn, which provides for Increase prison sentences by giving up to 10 years of effective imprisonment.

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Alves, a lawyer and evangelical pastor, made newspaper coverage a few days after taking office when she asked "kids reuse blue, and girls pink," thus clarifying his furious opposition to "the ideology of gender".

Source: ANSA.



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