The Brazilian town of Uruguaiana, on the border with Corrientes, has entered a virtual health collapse


The health system of the Brazilian city of Uruguayan, attached to Free stage, in the province of Corrientes, by an international bridge over the Uruguay River, the intensive care unit of the only local hospital practically collapsed after reaching the occupancy limit.

“We have reached a saturation point,” said the pulmonologist Luiz Fernando Cibin, head of the COVID-19 team at the Santa Casa de la Caridad hospital cited by the People mail.

The health center has 18 intensive therapy beds and two other emergency beds exclusively dedicated to patients with coronavirus. It also has 9 other places of general intensive care for other illnesses. All 29 beds are occupied, as announced by the hospital.

In a statement, the health center announced that “on Saturday evening it reached the maximum occupancy of the two intensive care units (ICU) for the treatment of COVID-19 patients, including the rear beds”.

And he added: “The occupation of 100% of attention span also occurs in the general intensive care unit for other illnesses.” “Therefore, it is not possible to count on their support at the moment,” he said.

The note also stated that “for the moment, the institution takes extreme measures in order to guarantee the care of new patients ”.

The declaration of the Hospital de la Santa Casa de la Caridad

What the COVID-19 Team Leader Said

Cibin said the hospital was going through a moment of blackout. “People who should be isolated at home for at least 10 days resist advice and leave their homes without respecting medical indications,” he warned.

And he added: “And companions and those who live in the same house, who may be infected, behave the same, may infect other people.”

In addition, the specialist said that the average age of sick people is decreasing. “The underground parties are regrettable. It is incredible that the use of the mask is still questioned and that they do not respect what is said in the world ”.


“In this worsening framework, we can continue to offer inadequate assistance in the face of a much greater demand for the capacity of available professionals. For those who thought it was a joke, televised alarmism or were skeptical about the virus, the worst time is this, ”he warned.

And he added: “The population must help or the situation will definitively leave the medical-hospital control with the lack of human material.”

Uruguaiana is a Brazilian city located at the western end of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. It is located in front of the town of Corrientes de Pasos de los Libres, by which it is connected by an international bridge officially called “Agustín P. Justo” in the Argentine half and “Getulio Vargas” on the Brazilian side on the Uruguay river.

It has a population of just over 126,000 inhabitants. The city is known to many Argentines because it is the obligatory passage for thousands of motorists who, before the pandemic, used to cross the international bridge to enter Brazilian territory in the direction of the beaches of southern Brazil.


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