The Breeze Act was enacted, an economic remedy for the children of the victims of feminicide


Unanimously, the Chamber of Deputies sanctioned the project Credit: HCDN

At a new session of the

Chamber of Deputies
which left the sanction of the project
Justina law – an initiative that makes anyone over the age of 18 a donor – the Brisa law has also been sanctioned, an economic remedy for the children of the victims of femicides.

With 203 affirmative votes and unanimously, the project creates the economic reparation scheme for the children and children of deadly victims

Gender-based violence
. The deputy of UCR Alejandra Martínez who detailed the scope of the initiative: "The femicide highlights the more structural gender violence that occurs in our country, in addition to the direct victims, there is the collateral victims, they need the state. "

" We put the name of an emblematic case, that of Brisa, but it is a situation that is repeated hundreds of times. times in the country, a law pushed by members of the family Casa del Encuentro ", explained Martínez, head of the commission of family, women, children and adolescents.

The story that gave its name to the initiative

Brisa and her twin brothers are the children of Daiana Barrionuevo, a 24-year-old girl beaten to death by her father-in-law, Iván Adalberto Rodríguez, in December 2014, in Moreno province, Buenos Aires Aires.

His body appeared floating in the stream of Las Catonas and the femicide was sentenced in 2017 to life imprisonment. At that time, Daiana's father, Osvaldo Barrionuevo, was responsible for the boys.
The grandfather had to resort to the media looking for financial badistance to raise their grandchildren. Desperately needed clothes, supplies, toys and food.

The case has become iconic and, with many others, has been taken to promote various bills aimed at providing answers to this critical and very painful situation. more than 3000 miners.

Details of the initiative

The project, which already had half the sanction of

Senate of the Nation
establishes the creation of an economic compensation scheme for girls, boys and adolescents when one of their parents was sued and / or convicted of the author, co-author, instigator or accomplice to the murder against his other parent.

According to the initiative, to make effective the economic remedy, the people who administer the benefit must accredit before the authority of claim to have in charge the girl, the child and / / or the teenager. In the case of disabled people without age limit, they must present the single disability certificate issued by the competent authority.

In addition, the economic compensation must be paid monthly by the national state, for a value equivalent to a minimum pension and it will be considered as comprehensive care compatible with family allowances.

In addition, full health coverage will be available, which should cover all physical and mental health care needs; to guarantee as a priority the integral care and the follow-up and the control of the executive power

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