The bribebooks reached a US report on human rights.


Source: archive

WASHINGTON.- The corruption scandals of Kirchnerism dominated one of the parts of the US Department of State's annual human rights report concerning Argentina, which for the first time mentioned the cause of crime.

notebooks of bribes


The report, published annually since 1977, provides US diplomats with an overview of the state of human rights in some 200 countries and territories. In recent reports, the case of Argentina has focused on issues such as the situation of

Miracle Room

, in Jujuy, or the death of the tattoo artist

Santiago Maldonado


But this year, the chapter of the report devoted to corruption, which proposed a detailed article in four paragraphs on the causes of former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and her children, was particularly relevant.




. The report also mentions a milestone from 2018: the conviction of the former vice president,

Amado Boudou

The "highest official" of the Kirchner government has been convicted of corruption, the US government said.

The cause of the bribe books appears especially in the section of the report on corruption. The State Department recalled the arrest of 12 former Kirchner government officials and company leaders on August 1 for corruption-related charges based on handwritten notebooks in which a former government official reportedly cash payments has delivered the official and private residences of former presidents Nestor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner as bribes for public works contracts from 2008 to 2015, "says the report.

Prosecutors claimed that the bribery scheme amounted to about US $ 160 million On 17 September, a federal court charged Fernandez de Kirchner with his role in the plan to fight notebook bribery. said the work, recalling that the former president He enjoys immunity from arrest, but not prosecution, thanks to parliamentary immunities.

The State Department reported that Cristina Kirchner and her children were facing "five other cases of financial corruption", and reviewed the long-standing criminal record of the former president, who denied all charges and charges. accusations against him and denounced a political operation orchestrated by the president. Mauricio Macri's government and justice to harm him.

The report mentions the causes of corruption in public contracts, accusations of money laundering, the criminal conspiracy in real estate, the Hotesur affair and the dollar to come. The work mentions the sentence of Boudou and indicates that it is the "highest level official of your government found guilty of corruption".


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