The bride died hours after the wedding and her sister replaced her to marry the groom


An unusual event has occurred Samaspur, India, when a woman who was going to get married deceased in the hours leading up to the wedding. Far from canceling the ceremony, his sister replacement and this Case with the boyfriend of the deceased.

Surbhi, the bride, was next to Mangesh Kumar, her boyfriend, performing one of the Saptapadi rituals, in which the couple make seven promises as they circle the fire, when she fainted.

“It was a strange situation, because my younger sister’s wedding was taking place while my older sister’s body was lying in another room,” Surabhi’s brother assured. (Illustrative photo: Pixabay)

Her relatives took her to a sanatorium where health workers declared her dead on arrival. “According to the doctors died of a heart attack»Said his relatives.

Despite the pain of the bride’s death, Surbhi’s family returned to the site where the wedding rituals were taking place to inform you to Mangesh’s family what happened.

As usual, the girl’s family brought the body home, where the wedding was taking place, to watch over her.

Despite this, the future husband asked the wife’s parents to celebrate her marriage with his The youngest girl at this precise moment, at which the family He accepted.

“We didn’t know what to do in this situation,” said the woman’s brother, Saurabh. “The two families got together and someone suggested that my little sister Nisha should marry the groom. The families discussed the issue for a while and agreed, ”he commented.

Fire is the key to Indian weddings. (Illustrative photo: RFI / ÁngelMartínez)

Said and done, the two families did whatever it took to make Mangesh and Nisha would compromise and continue the marriage.

“It was a strange situation, because the wedding of my younger sister was being held while the body of my older sister lying in another roomSurabhi’s brother assured.

One of his uncles, named Ajab SinghHe commented: “A girl was lying dead in one room and another girl’s marriage was being celebrated in another room. We have never felt such disparate emotions. The pain of her death and the happiness of marriage again they were not assimilated absolutely”.


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