The brigadistas who saved Julen's body said: "We are not heroes" – 27/01/2019


The technical director of the Central Mine Rescue Brigade who participated in the rescue of Julen, Sergio Tuñón Iglesias, said Sunday in Oviedo that the brigadists did not consider themselves "heroes" and that they did not like not have been labeled as such, even before. Start your task. "We are not heroes, we just did our job", have noticed.

At a press conference at the Hunosa headquarters, Tuñón admitted that the attention aroused by both the media and the public had "spilled over" several times. "We were so struck by this repercussion," he admitted, although he maintains that his "shyness" does not prevent them from being grateful for the recognition of his work.

The chief engineer and technical director of Bigrada in Salvarada, addressing the press. (EFE)

The chief engineer and technical director of Bigrada in Salvarada, addressing the press. (EFE)

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

The eight brigadists who participated in the rescue of the body of Julen, the two year old boy who fell on January 13 in a part of the city of Totalán in Malaga, appeared in front of the media after their arrival in Asturias days moved to participate in the device conformed by more than 300 professionals.

In this sense, Sergio Tuñón extended recognition to the work of all members of the operation, noting that "technical milestones" were achieved and saying that he had done "all that was necessary because there was no better cause for that".

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"We did our job in the best way possible," he said, acknowledging that they felt "calmer" once they were paying their bills. task. A job for which they prepared in close coordination with the Civil Guard, which facilitated the development of work in the final hours of the rescue.

Tuñón admitted that the operation was "very different" from those who were used to being children. So, he pointed out that most of them are parents and that supposed an "emotional charge" to which was added the "stress" generated by the waiting for them "before starting to do anything".

With everything, they appreciate the support. "This is a memory that will not be erased, we will always be grateful," said the technical director of the brigade, lamenting the end of the operation. "The result leaves us with a very bitter taste, because you do not feel 100% useful", he said.

Victoria Garcia, Julen's mother, where the rescue operation. (AFP)

Victoria Garcia, Julen's mother, where the rescue operation. (AFP)

The brigade took the opportunity to convey its condolences to the family, given the impossibility of going through the funeral home because of its connections with Asturias. "We would have liked another result, we did what we could and we worked the best we know," Tuñón said.

The brigadists, "tired" will now try to find a life "more discreet". "We hope that the phone does not ring anymore and continues to undergo continuous training," Tuñón added, for whom it would be essential "to ensure the continuity of the brigade for so many years" despite the end of the year. Mining activity.

"It's a basic sector from which we started and where we find ourselves, but there are many fronts in which the brigade is focused on its activity and has many arguments to be able to continue", a- he defended.

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In this sense, the chairman of the Hunosa group, Gregorio Rabbad Martínez, influenced the "pride" of the public entity by the Mining Rescue Brigade, baduring that his future "is not in question". This was said at the hearing, which was also attended by the President and Vice-President of the Rescue Association in the mines, Raúl González Ruisánchez and José Manuel Embil Fanjul.

Source: DPA


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