The brilliant response of the RAE to a curious question


The response of the Royal Spanish Language Academy to the supposed and ironic doubt of an Argentine user has become viral this week, causing many criticisms and reactions.

Hi @RAEinforma The following is a very common question among us Twitter users.

We would like to know if "I invite you to see me Netflix" is written with G. or J.

Thank you in advance.

– Lucio Ferreyra (@LuciooFerreyra) February 12, 2019

Lucio Ferreyra asked RAE, via his Twitter account, if "I invite you to my house to see Netflix" is written with G. or J.

And the organization was not slow to perceive the harm or clarify the doubt: without stopping in the explicit sense of the sentence, it was directly referring to its hidden meaning.

#RAEconsults In any of his senses, in the verb "catch", they are written with "g" the way the sound [j] go before "e", "i": catch, take; and with "j" the ways in which this sound goes before "a", "or": lame, let's take.

– RAE (@RAEinforma) February 12, 2019

The RAE response has more than 40,000 "likes" and has been shared more than 13,000 times.



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