The British Airways flight evacuated after the cabin filled with smoke 10 minutes before landing


White smoke started leaving the ventilation system shortly before landing Source: Reuters

A British Airways flight was evacuated after the cabin filled with smoke shortly before landing.

The airline has confirmed an "incident" in the
flight BA422 who left London Heathrow Airport at 3:10 pm local time on Monday
landed in Valencia, Spain.

The pbadengers had to evacuate the plane through the emergency gates. One of them described the "scary" experience, as it was about a "horror film".

A statement from the company said the flight had "encountered a technical problem" as Valencia approached

BA apologized to the 175 pbadengers of the ship, an Airbus A321.

A statement from the company said the flight had "encountered a technical problem" as Valencia approached.

Moments of panic on the Airbus A321


Three pbadengers have been transferred to the hospital, but have already been released, BA added.

The crew, consisting of two pilots and six flight attendants, helped the pbadengers evacuate the plane, the company said.


Pbadenger Gayle Fitzpatrick, who was on vacation with her husband, said "that there was no communication from the crew, and some of them started wearing masks to oxygen and to protect themselves from fire. "

"People were crying and hyperventilating, it was really scary," added Fitzpatrick.

Rachel Jupp, who was on the plane with her children, told the BBC that smoke filled the cabin "very quickly" about 10 minutes before landing.

People were crying and hyperventilating. It was really scary

Pbadenger flight

Jupp, editor of the BBC Panorama program, confirmed that no official announcement had been made about what was happening when white smoke began to flow through the cabin air conditioning system. .

"Shortly after, you could not see the pbadengers two rows further away from you," he added.

When the ship began to descend quickly, Jupp said he heard announcements that he was squatting to breathe a cleaner air near the ground of the plane.

The pilot "did a great job" to make a "soft landing", said Jupp.

"We later learned that the badpit was filled with smoke and that he was wearing a gas mask."

Fire crews waited for pbadengers on the runway. These were transferred directly to the terminal.



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