The British ambassador calls for a tournament of failures in the Falklands


A tournament organized by the Argentine Chess Federation in the Malvinas Islands provoked a demonstration by its British counterpart and ended with a diplomatic complaint by the English Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, who called the competition "illegal", publishes the Clarín website.

Hunt, who aspires to succeed Theresa May after her recent resignation to face the Brexit crisis, has shown her support for a protest by the British Chess Federation (ECF) against the Argentine Sports Federation.

"We are with the FCE on this issue.The Falkland Islands (Malvinas) are part of the UK: their status in this room is not a problem," said the Foreign Minister and issued a statement that the British Chess Federation has just published. which contains its strong protest against its Argentinian counterpart for a story that began last year and continued at the end of March 2019. Several Keller lawmakers, including Barry Elsbi and Mark Pollard, joined this tweet.

With obvious zeal for the island's presence in Argentina, CTF has said that it administers the activity in the territories it considers to be British and does not enjoy certain rights of its own before the International Chess Federation. (FIDE). "We note that the holding of this clandestine tournament (organized by the Argentine Federation) is an unacceptable violation of our jurisdiction, which is also a diplomatic provocation," said ECF, which requested that the qualifications obtained during the contest are respected. international guarantee – to be dismissed from the direction of Fide.

In addition, he stated that "this information is unacceptable and is being pbaded on to the Argentine Chess Federation and demands that it ensure that the Argentine Chess Federation does not repeat it again". "The Falklands Legislative Council and the Office of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs have been informed," the document added.

Mario Petrucci, president of the Argentine Federation, sought to relax the spirits. "Peace, music and love," he said, in a relaxed tone, before stressing that the National Federation had acted as "a purely sporting activity", with no intention of offending anyone in the Falklands. He added that he had already discussed this with the Argentine Foreign Ministry, which has not said a word about this episode until now.

The Argentine Chess Federation organized last year an international tournament in the Falklands Islands, which has been approved by Fide. This year, he returned to get the same support for the realization of this tournament.

All that has been done is described by the National Federation in its public communications. It was reported that "the Islas Islas del Sur Islands" were organized in the Malvinas Islands, organized by the Argentine Chess Federation, together with the Martelli Chess Circle. "Several Malvinas veterans participated and returned after many years in the islands and that the winner of the contest was Daniel Ujhelly.

Another sign that angered the Kelpers and the British was that in the international invitation flyer to the tournament, for example, he called "Puerto Argentino", what they call "Stanley Port." ".


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