The British ambassador to Argentina handed a military identity card to the mother of a Falklands veteran | Chronic


The British ambassador to Argentina, Mark Kent, handed this Friday the military identity card of the Argentine soldier Oscar Diarte, who fell in combat during the 1982 Falklands War, at his mother's home in Mar del Plata, after the identification plaque was displayed for several years in a London museum.

Argentine veteran Osvaldo Hillar said that "Today, the dream that I had started many years ago came true when I saw the Diarte military identity card presented at the Imperial War Museum. in London and discovered the procedures to follow for the extradition of this document to his family. ".

"It was a simple yet very moving act, to see how the British ambassador had entrusted to Dalis Cejas de Diarte, mother of my combat partner, his son's military identity card."he expressed.

Hillar argued that "The ambassador apologized for the delay in handing over the document, unfortunately exhibited at the London Museum, as a" war element ".

The short act, organized by the No Me Forget Foundation with the collaboration of the National University of Mar del Plata and organized by the British diplomat, took place at the "Casa del Balcón", located on the 3rd Street. February 2538 of this city, where the Diarte family resides.


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