The British government has already chosen where to evacuate the queen when there are riots after Brexit


"These emergency evacuation plans have existed since the Cold War, but we have readjusted them in case of riots if a Brexit occurs without agreement with Brussels.", explained sources from the Cabinet Office to the Sunday newspaper The Times, quoted by the DPA news agency.

Another way, the Mail newspaper, confirmed the same information and said that the protocol provided for the evacuation of the queen and the entire royal family from the beginning of the riots in the capital.

One of these projects, according to the Sunday newspaper, is the call Spontaneous operation, planned during the cold war and which establishes that to break the war against the former Soviet Union, the royal family would be immediately evacuated in a country house under the guard of a "militia" called Fuerza Real.

If the conflict worsens and spreads across the territory, members of the Royal Family would be transferred to the Royal Armored Yacht "Britannia" or the Government War Office at Corsham Court, Wiltshire, southwest of the island of Britain.

The Brexit is due to come into effect on March 29, but Prime Minister Theresa May's government is engaged in negotiations with the EU and within the ruling coalition in Parliament.

May negotiated and sealed an agreement with the EU and the rest of the 27 member countries to regulate the country's exit from the bloc, but when he presented it to Parliament in London, he suffered the One of the worst legislative defeats in the modern history of the country.

Now he has less than two months left to find a new roadmap and for the moment he has shown no sign of progress.

For this reason, the news about the true protocol only fed the fears of what could happen if the country left the EU without clear rules by the end of March.

Several groups of businessmen have already warned that if this happens, chaos would be considerable in the first few weeks, as long as the customs protocols for the entry of food and medicine are readjusted.


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