The British pay tribute to Prince Philip in front of Windsor and Buckingham – Telam


Admirers of the British monarchy today brought flowers and words of comfort to the royal residences in Windsor and Buckingham.

Admirers of the British monarchy today brought flowers and words of comfort to the royal residences in Windsor and Buckingham.

Shaken by the death of Prince Philip and saddened by Queen Elizabeth II, who has lost “her pillar”, admirers of the British monarchy today brought flowers and words of comfort to the royal residences of Windsor and Buckingham.

Hundreds of bouquets of flowers have piled up in front of the bars of the castle where one can also see drawings and children’s messages, reports The Guardian newspaper, which illustrates the British tribute with photographs.

“Dear Queen Elizabeth, I am sorry for your husband Prince Philip,” read one of the messages, full of hearts and flowers.

In Buckingham

In London, and despite the restrictions still in place due to the coronavirus pandemic, the curious gathered to see the official announcement of the death solemnly placed in front of Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the Queen in the British capital.

Members of the armed forces have been ordered to roam the streets in honor of the Duke, along with thousands of police officers who will maintain crowd control and protect the royals who take part in the ceremony.


While the funeral will have a significant military component, the number of members of the armed forces will likely be much smaller and preparations should focus on Windsor Castle, with no military parade in London or processions through Windsor., Due to restrictions in force. in the country due to the pandemic.

Authorities are seeking to avoid anything that carries a risk of the coronavirus spreading, including mourners who use public transport, but police are avoiding a heavy hand by dispersing those who show up at Windsor Castle – where for more than one year, the royal couple have lived in isolation due to the pandemic – or at Buckingham Palace to pay their respects, the Guardian noted.

For more than a year, the royal couple were isolated at Windsor Castle due to the pandemic.

For more than a year, the royal couple have been isolated at Windsor Castle due to the pandemic.

“A real shock”

The public will be able to tune in to a wide range of stations, including the BBC, and a memorial service could be held at a later date after the UK goes through the worst public health crisis in a generation, according to local press .

“I have lived in England for 20 years and we feel close to the royal family, just like everyone else here,” Karen Llewellyn, a Frenchwoman married to a girl who laid a bouquet of tulips in front of Windsor Castle, said in about 50 km away, west of London.

“It was a real shock this morning and it hurt us for the queen. It really is the hardest part, we all thought for the queen that she will be alone without her pillar,” he said. declared.

He also regretted that Elizabeth II’s husband passed away just two months before his 100th birthday on June 10.

“It’s a really sad day. He has lived an amazing and rich life, and it is a great loss for his family and his wife as they were inseparable,” said Sarah Allison, 31, who came to the palace. with his four years. -old daughter., quoted by AFP news agency.

Amid the pandemic, and with the UK yet to lift most restrictions on its third lockdown, police patrolled the area remembering the rules for social distancing.


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