The brothers reportedly used ratablanca powder in attack at the Ricardo Palma clinic | Lima


They arrived together at the clinic Ricardo Palma of San Isidro. At the door, they separated. We went to the garage; the other, in the basement, where is the radiology laboratory. There was the first explosion. It was around 10:06 am and the place – generally peaceful – was transformed into an atmosphere full of cries and despair. Everything was flooded with smoke.

Two minutes later, a second and stronger detonation was felt at the first basement, near a ramp. Serenos de San Isidro came into this place and found Lenin Benites Aguirre, 40, on the floor. This was one of the authors of the attack.

"I want to die, I want to die" he shouted while being taken on a stretcher until the operating room. By removing the clothes, it was discovered that this guy was wearing a bulletproof vest, which he thought would protect him from the epidemic. He had open wounds to both legs, as well as severe burns.

Meanwhile, her sister Claudia Benites Aguirre, 44, who blew up the first explosive charge, was also helped by the doctors. His condition was also critical.

This act, which caused the death of some 35 wounded in total – all in the process of recovery – forced the evacuation of the hospital complex. But what led those brothers to commit such terrible action?

Although first the head of the Lima Police District, General Gastón Rodríguez Limo – who arrived on the crime scene -, slipped the possibility that it was a typical case

For the Investigations Division on kidnappings and extortions of the Dirincri, the motive would be the revenge of an alleged medical malpractice in the grievance of Victoria Aguirre Oviedo, mother of the victim. perpetrators of the attack. His death was triggered by this malpractice.

For this reason, Percy Benites Aguirre, 47, the eldest brother – a dermatologist by profession and who has previously worked in the aforementioned clinic – complained to the Administrator Clínica Ricardo Palma SA August 16, 2013, before the Commission for Consumer Protection of Indecopi

It was learned that Aguirre Oviedo was operated on August 24, 2011 for a tumor of the head ( a craniotomy was performed). Due to a bruise, she underwent a second operation, which left her in a coma.

The patient remained at the clinic until February 12, 2012, the day she was removed at the whim of her family. "There was a grudge on the part of the children after the mother's death, and currently there was an administrative process against the clinic," said PNP General Juan Carlos Sotil, Director of Dirincri.

Meanwhile, Colonel Luis Flores, chief of the intelligence services of Dirincri, reported that the brothers had recorded significant debts to Infocorp. Claudia Benites owed S / 640 thousand and his brother Lenin S / 162 thousand. This will be part of the investigation.

Perú21 went to the house of the Benites Aguirre brothers, located in Magisterial urbanization, in La Perla. His father, Alejandro Benites, refused to speak. But his neighbors have pointed out that they are calm and educated. "They belong to a religion, they wore small white caps," said a neighbor.

Dircote's staff arrived at the said house. General José Baella, head of this PNP leadership, said he found 21 rounds of white rata, which would be the gunpowder used for the attack.

Around 4:00 pm, in a surprising and unusual way, when the urgency was still maintained, he arrived at the clinic Ricardo Palma the new prosecutor of the Nation, Pedro Chávarry, and the first thing he did was to describe the attack as a terrorist act.

"My presence follows a call from Prosecutor Mario Barrón, who He told me the consequences of this terrorist attack, apparently," he said

despite the fact that the police had informed shortly that they were working only on badumptions and that they had yet to wait.PNP dealt with alleged extortion

"We came to accompany and give the logistics to provincial prosecutors who are investigating, and right now I'm going to go to the Dircote to find out how it's going. or investigated the subject, "he said Chávarry.

It should be noted that the prosecutor Mario Barrón of the second provincial prosecutor's office of San Isidro had already ordered that the Directorate of the fight against terrorism (Dircote ) and the Directorate of State Security (Dirseg) take over the case. 19659021] At night, Chávarry corrected himself and said that it was a revenge. & "A man and a woman were responsible for the attack, those who are captured and subjected to strong security measures," he said.

This attack mobilized the fire brigade, the police and the clinic staff, but the first to enter the basement 1 of the car park were the agents of the serenazgo de San Isidro, who asked for help to evacuate Lenin Benites, who had his body destroyed.

Staff of the Explosives Deactivation Unit (UDEX) es t also arrived and performed a "scan" in all parts of the clinic to rule out the possible presence of another device.

Meanwhile, doctors and health staff – with the support of firefighters, police, ambulances from the Ministry of Health and Serenazgo – evacuated the patients. In addition to the 35 wounded, the explosion left broken moons, collapsed pipes and 5 affected vehicles.

Surely they must have been affected by the perception that they would never find justice. The loss of the mother had to cause them depression and this made that they could not quite understand what would be the consequences of their aggressive and impulsive actions.

This mental disorder makes people, often, alter their intellectual processes and think about it. This causes them not to rate what they are doing.

Being aware of the whole process (the complaint) fed the wound all the time and prevented them from doing their grief psychologically. Frustration accumulated during all these years.

It would be necessary to badyze whether they were isolated from other relatives and friends, as this would mean that among them they reinforced this idea.
This is a somewhat strange case because of the level of education that they have. People with access to education usually have many more resources to try to find justice.

Similarly, they are more aware that an act like this has consequences that are not in the law. It seems to me to have been an act of desperation.

Unless they have entered a psychotic picture, these people are not irreproachable.

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