The brutal case of gender violence that shocks Dublin: the moment when young people push teenage girl on train tracks


The harassment of a group of boys against several girls outraged the Irish.

Dublin authorities are investigating a brutal aggression took place at the beginning of April in one of the stations of the Irish capital, in which a young woman was thrown on the rails.

The attack was recorded by security cameras. In the video, a group of young people are seen getting off the train when he started bullying with push and kick to a group of girls who were boarding the transport. One of them tripped after being hit with a bicycle wheel and fell through the gap between the cart and the platform.

Then a guard motioned for the train not to start and crushed the young woman. One of the attackers can be seen shaking his head as one fled and others fled the scene as if nothing had happened.

The moment a young man kicks a girl in the face at a Dublin train station. (Photo: video capture).

As reported by the Irish newspaper The independent, the attack took place on April 1 at the train station Howth Junction, but the video did not begin to circulate until the beginning of May on the networks and caused a strong rejection of the population.

“An investigation is underway on this matter. No arrests have been made so far, ”said a police spokesperson.

According to the victim’s father, aged 17, told the newspaper The sun, the young woman did not suffer serious injuries and “is doing well” although “annoying”. His friends were more energetic: “They could have killed her”one of them said.

The Irish railway company described the attack as “A shameful act” where there was a risk of serious injury. A company spokesperson revealed that the teenagers involved were forced off the train by a guard before the attack.

“Security was communicating with the conductor to make sure the train was not leaving, and the user was helped back to the platform and luckily he was unharmed,” they argued. They also said that “the police were immediately alerted and provided with footage from security cameras to help identify the culprits.”

An “epidemic of gender-based violence”

In early March, the Citizens’ Assembly of Ireland urged the authorities to deploy more resources to stem the “Epidemic of gender-based violence” in the country of nearly 5 million inhabitants.

According to the NGO Women’s Aid, one in four women in Ireland has been assaulted by their current or former partner.

The police received approximately 43,000 calls last year in cases of gender-based violence, which is a 16% increase over 2019 figures, he said. The newspaper.

Safe Ireland, a national network of 37 organizations supporting victims of domestic violence, advocated for creation of a ministry dedicated exclusively to gender violence, to coordinate policies and services in all administrations across the country with a focus on victims.


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