The Buenos Aires city government has started to inform which vaccines are available at each demand center


In the city of Buenos Aires, the pre-vaccine bets and the anxiety of knowing what will be the vaccine against the coronavirus that everyone will receive after receiving their turn. The government of Buenos Aires has authorized from this Tuesday on its official website a list that allows you to check which vaccines will be applied in the following days in each vaccination center in the capital. According to local executive reports, the intention is not for people to choose which vaccine they want to receive, but to add transparency to the process.

To find out which vaccine will be used in the City, you must enter There we can check the vaccine availability for the next three days in each of the 32 CABA vaccination centers.

The city of Buenos Aires allows you to check which vaccines will be applied in the following days in each of the vaccines of Buenos Aires.

For example, this Tuesday July 20, in the Parque Roca and Club Comunicaciones vaccination centers, it applies AstraZeneca. In 11 other vaccinations, the information is not available, and in the rest it is applied Sinopharm.

In recent weeks, Argentina has started to receive periodic shipments of vaccine doses from China. This Wednesday and Thursday, unlike what happened in the last days, only the Sinopharm vaccine will be applied in the city of Buenos Aires.

This Tuesday, a new flight Aerolineas Argentinas left this afternoon for China in search of more vaccines against laboratory coronavirus Sinopharm and, with this transaction, the company will complete the series of 10 trips to Beijing scheduled for July, as part of the agreement which includes the arrival of 24 million doses in three months. The Chinese serum is about to become the one with the greatest presence in the country.

This Wednesday and Thursday, the city of Buenos Aires will apply the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine (Photo: Reuters). For: REUTERS

Since the start of the vaccination campaign 38,409,430 vaccines arrived in the country, of which 11,868,830 correspond to Sputnik V, (9,375,670 for component 1 and 2,493,160 for component 2); 11,376,000 to Sinopharm; 9,140,600 to those of AstraZeneca and Oxford, the active ingredient of which was produced in Argentina; 3,500,000 at Moderna; 1,944,000 to AstraZeneca via the WHO Covax mechanism and 580,000 to AstraZeneca-Covishield.

According to the Public Vaccination Observatory, until the morning of Tuesday 31,193,944 doses were distributed vaccines throughout the country and 27,825,228 were applied. Of this total, 22,342,067 people received the first dose and 5,483,161 have the full immunization schedule.

According to the latest data from Buenos Aires, the2,276,459 already applied to the City doses of the 2,354,014 received from the Nation: 1,746,092 people have received a dose and 530,367 have already completed it the vaccination schedule with the second dose. Monday, 33,134 doses of Sputnik V, AstraZeneca or Sinopharm were applied in the capital.


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