The camera has captured the moment of the deadly explosion at the station in Egypt


According to Egyptian television, the flames originated after the impact with the final stop of the track.

The Egyptian railway company reported that the locomotive lost control of platform # 6 at the station and struck the concrete top at the end of the track.

A source of safety indicated that the preliminary information they have is that the locomotive has entered an excessive speed after being in a maintenance shop.

The wave of the explosion reached the people who were on the platform and, subsequently, a fire of several minutes was observed and was visible from different areas of Cairo.

The Egyptian government immediately announced the establishment of an investigation committee to determine the reasons for the accident and to define the responsibilities.

The biggest railway tragedy in the history of Egypt, which claimed the lives of 376 people, occurred in 2002 A train that covered the road between Cairo and the monumental city of Luxor in the south of the country caught fire.


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