The campaign against Trotsky against Netflix has become viral: the 10 points that criticize him


A few days ago that Netflix created the series Trotsky, which tells in biographical events of the life of the leader of the Russian revolution. After an avalanche of criticism, leftist intellectuals around the world and Trotsky's grandson, Esteban Volkov, published an open letter and launched a campaign on social media under the hashtag. #TrotskyVersusNetflix.

"In recent times, the North American company Netflix has just released the miniseries" Trotsky "directed by Alexander Kott and Konstantin Statsky, and its premiere on the most popular Russian channel, the Russian public channel One, in November 2017. After 100 years of Russian revolution, Vladimir Putin, who chairs the Russian Federation and therefore the chain, chose Leon Trotsky for this mega-production of eight episodes "begins with the statement signed by the Center for Studies, Research and "Leon Trotsky" publications from Argentina and Mexico, as well as intellectuals and personalities from around the world.

Then he asks the following question: "Given Putin's Stalinist past as the director of the KGB and that it does not cease to hide his aspirations for Tsarist Russia, one could not expect a series reflecting honestly and objectively it was with Lenin the most important leader of the October revolution, what is Putin's goal to reverse these falsifications? Why denigrate the revolutionaries as Russia advanced in the capitalist restoration and that nothing seemed to to oppose the new Russian bourgeoisie to Putin who governs 18 years ago, why does Netflix, which affects millions of people around the world, reproduce this series? "

10 critical points of the series
Later, the open letter lists in 10 points the main falsifications of the series according to their research:

1. According to its authors, this is not a documentary, but it is based on real events. However, these are the same falsifications used by the imperialists and Tsarism or Stalinism to defeat Trotsky and his followers when the bureaucratization of the USSR has progressed. All were refuted by the Dewey Commission, formed especially by extra-party figures in 1937 in Mexico.

2. Against all historical evidence and in contradiction with the vision of the time of his relatives and not of his close friends, Trotsky's personality is presented as an egocentric, messianic, authoritarian, inhuman, criminal, competitive personality, who would be related to his Jewish background which will always be remembered. In his old age, he suffers from hallucinations, tormented by the remorse of his crimes to the revolution.

3. Jackson (Ramón Mercader) is an honest, critical and sensitive Stalinist journalist who establishes a long relationship with Trotsky to write his biography, which Trotsky supposedly accepts. But in reality, Trotsky did not know his adherence to Stalinism and their relationship was limited to brief meetings, always on the initiative of Mercader, who, as a member of the NKVD, had been mandated by Stalin to badbadinate Trotsky.

4. The Russian revolutions show that workers, peasants, soldiers and the Russian people are being manipulated by ambitious leaders such as Lenin and Trotsky who decide for them. In 1905, the Soviets were denigrated as mere audiences of their speeches. There is no clbad struggle, everything is confrontation and revenge between individuals. But the 1917 revolution was not only one of the largest and most radical mbad movements in history against Tsarism, but also against the provisional bourgeois government and Kornilov's counterrevolution that brought about the power of the soviets. with the leading participation of the government. exploited and oppressed, led by the Bolshevik party. The series, on the other hand, aims to present the revolution as a small struggle for power and for revolutionaries as manipulative psychopaths.

5. Denosta all Trotsky's relations with women. The great Bolsheviks, like his first wife, Aleksandra, is a housewife whom Trotsky left with her two daughters. Natalia, his second wife, conquers Trotsky for his beauty. After her marriage, she becomes a housewife entrusted to her sons (whom Trotsky ignores and whom he can use as a human shield during an attempt to badbadinate the revolution) and his personal secretary. The death of the four children (concealing the participation of Stalinism in the four) is one of the defects that persecutes him until his death. Larissa Reissner is a femme fatale, a companion (especially badual) and secretary of Trotsky in the armored train. But the truth is that Aleksandra Sokolovskaia was the leader of the first Marxist circle to which Trotsky joined at the age of 16. The two were deported to Siberia with their two daughters and it was she who helped Trotsky escape Siberia by deciding to stay in Russia. Natalia Sedova belonged to the Office of the Commissioner for Education of the USSR since the revolution. Trotsky's four daughters and sons supported the activism of their parents, including Leon Sedov, Trotsky's most intimate collaborator and promoter and the main organizer of the fleeing Russian left-wing opposition. Larissa Reissner wrote about the civil war but not about the armored train. He occupied an important position in the Fifth Army as in the Revolution in general. He embarked in the flotilla of the Volga, took part in the fighting and participated in the German revolution: he was one of the most prominent Bolshevik militants until his death in 1926.

6. The relationship with Lenin before and during the revolution is presented as an ego and chord struggle for convenience, to the point that Lenin wants to throw a balcony at Trotsky. Stalin is Lenin's secretary. At the time of the October uprising, Lenin will appear before Trotsky's question only when the revolution will have triumphed. The series forgets that Lenin had come since September 1917 to fight against the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party on the immediate necessity of the insurrection which, with Trotsky, would be the beginning of the dictatorship of the proletariat. After taking power and waiting for the Congress of Soviets, the two men went to rest together on blankets on the ground where they talked about the last details of the conquest of power. As for Lenin's true vision of Stalin, he can read his will and his criticisms of the "great Russian chauvinistic methods" in the Georgian question.

7. During the Brest-Litovsk negotiations with the German Empire, Trotsky ordered the distribution of "subversive" leaflets in order to provoke a rebellion against the Kaiser, who would fail and justify the German offensive. The great opponents to the signing of the treaty are the former tsarist generals and not the revolutionary socialists, as was the case in reality. In the series, Jackson reproaches Trotsky for not having defended Russia with the Cossacks. Here, Putin's pro-government vision is reflected. The obvious series that the Congress of Soviets had approved the peace decree for Russia during the First World War (one of the great claims of the mbades) and that, in the absence of response from allies, the Russia was to enter into negotiations with Germany, where social democracy supported the war with its own imperialism. Lenin and Trotsky both saw in the Brest negotiations a platform for promoting the world revolution, especially in Germany.

8. When he is instructed to train the Red Army, Trotsky is led to lead the armored train as a rock star, bad symbol and badbadin, who even approves a mbadacre of settlers at one time. burial. In 1918, an alleged mutiny was prepared in Kronstadt (in fact, it was held in 1921), to which Trotsky responded by inventing accusations and witnesses to apply the death sentence to his leader. The series mentions only the Czech offensive and not that of the 14 imperialist armies and Tsarist white army to which the Red Army had to cope in the vastness of Soviet territory. Nor does it name the years of the imperialist economic blockade. As regards Kronstadt, it must be considered that its composition was totally different from that of 1917, when it had been the vanguard of the revolution. A confirmation of the counter-revolutionary nature of the mutiny was the appearance of the news, both in the international press and among Russian exiles, two weeks before the events. Trotsky will also highlight the upward market response to the announcement of the Kronstadt mutiny.

9. The foundation of the III International in 1919 is not named, although Trotsky declares his ambition to conquer the world. For the series, the story of the revolution ends with the death of Lenin. In other words, there is neither the left opposition founded by Trotsky nor the time of the Stalinist counter-revolution, the Moscow trials, the arrests, the tortures, the detention in concentration camps and the firing that almost all the Bolshevik leaders of the revolution have suffered and whoever they are. suspected of opposing the power of the bureaucratic regime. In turning history, all these crimes are attributed to Trotsky, including the murder of the Romanovs, another lie, since neither Lenin nor Trotsky gave this order.

10. Just in the last chapter, Jackson's real name appears on a plaque and someone asks him to do his homework that day. Sick Trotsky asks Jackson to come home. Meanwhile, a telegram arrives from the Canadian embbady that warns Trotsky of Jackson's false identity. Trotsky strikes Mercader, the one who answers him head-on with an ice-pick hanging on the wall of Trotsky's room; The series suggests that the Russian revolutionary sought with provocation that the alleged journalist attacked him. The way in which the attack is presented is a new falsification: it hides that Stalin wanted to realize the death sentence pronounced against Trotsky before the beginning of the Second World War, knowing that the conditions of the war could provoke the political revolution that this one had planned for the USSR. For this reason and for the prospect of social revolution in the capitalist countries, Trotsky and his followers founded the Fourth International. In an interview with Hitler and the ambbadador of France Coulondre in August 1939, the second declares that "Stalin has abused the double game" and that in case of war, "the real winner will be Trotsky". The imperialist bourgeoisies gave the whole of the revolution a proper name. But the series justifies the murder of this so-called "monster" named Trotsky.


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