The candidate for May's estate declares that there will be a Brexit with or without agreement


In addition, the proclamation "with or without agreement" he knows how to challenge for the leadership of anyone who takes the place of the renounced Prime Minister, May, in the Conservative Party and the British government.

The Telegraph writes, citing the first words after yesterday's announcement of May's resignation, that the race will officially begin on June 7, when the prime minister will be in office.

But Johnson seems to gain support even from two prominent conservative representatives, such as Philip Hammond and Amber Rudd, which do not exclude to support it, according to The Telegraph.

Meanwhile, the British labor opposition is ready to immediately challenge the Conservative government of Theresa May's successor, no matter what, with a motion of no confidence in the House of Commons.

This is what the Chancellor warned in the shadow of the opposition party: John McDonnell, the right hand of the chef Jeremy Corbyn, interviewed by the BBC network.

However, McDonnell pointed out that the Labor Party will now have to reorganize its Brexit strategy in light of the resignation announced in May.

Meanwhile, the hashtag "Corbyn by Christmas" It has become viral, which means a Corbyn government at Christmas.

This impulse represents a real danger for Matt Hanbad, Minister and lead candidate Tory (Conservative) will replace May.


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