The Carmelites in Madagascar: the world is saved by acts of love


In the barefoot Carmelite monastery of Antananarivo, Pope Francis prayed half an hour with a hundred contemplative nuns and 70 novices from various monasteries of the country: a gesture of thanksgiving and blessing for the whole of the island of Madagascar. In his spontaneous homily inspired by the religious model of Saint Therese of Lisieux, the pontiff warned the sisters against the temptation to fall into worldly life and reminded them that the world is saved by small acts of love: "The struggle in the monastery, he has no retirement, it is until the end," he said.

Sofia Lobos – Vatican City

After attending the meeting with the authorities of Madagascar, Pope Francis prayed the half-hour meditation in the monastery of the naked Carmelites, with a hundred contemplative nuns and 70 novices from various monasteries in the country: a gesture of Thanksgiving and blessing to the whole nation.

Patience in the contemplative life

After listening to and thanking the Sr. María Magdalena de la Anunciación for moving greetings, she recited prayers corresponding to the Liturgy of the hours, the Pontiff pronounced a spontaneous homily "of the heart", as father, friend and advisor of the religious, inspired by the model of contemplative life of Saint Teresa of Lisieux, who, by small gestures of charity, could testify with Faithfulness your love for Christ.

Francisco spoke in particular of the patience with which the saint, also known as Teresita del Niño Jesus, helped one of the oldest religious almost paralyzed, whose difficult character and temperament made it almost impossible.

Charity expressed in little things

Instead of taking this rejection with indignation and anger, St. Teresa offered it to God, stating that she preferred to live this moment a thousand times rather than to go astray in any other task than earthly life. could offer him.

"The young religious always with a smile continued to accompany the elderly sister who complained of not walking well and who, at the same time, refused the help of Teresa," explained Francisco. "This image reflects a bit of community life and the spirit in which we can live in community: a charity expressed in small and big things."

Perfection is with the Lord

"I know that all of you, nuns who are close to you, have come to be close to the Lord and seek the path of perfection found in the small steps of charity," added the Pontiff.

"That's the secret: small steps that seem little but that make God see and that's what Teresa de Lisieux was thinking. The little steps of charity are the sons with whom she "captured God". If you want to change, not just the monastery, but the world, start with small acts of love, "said the bishop of Rome.

Do not fall into the worldly life

The pope also encouraged the Carmelites to live in the simplest and most humble way possible: "Be courageous and have the courage to do small acts of love and charity, every day."

On the other hand, the Successor of Peter warned against the dangers of worldly life, which, like the devil, "presents itself quietly, without making noise, in a delicate and polite way," so as not to to leave in peace to that soul which has been given to God.

"Worldliness is not a religious that closes," recalled Francisco, pointing out that "the tempter disguises himself as a nobleman because he does not want to be discovered."

This is why the pope urged them to defend themselves against worldliness, to face any situation they consider strange and to persevere in the spiritual struggle at the convent, which "has no retirement but is until the end, "but it's really worth it. sorrow when they left the love of God.

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The Holy Father and the Carmelites of Madagascar


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