The case of the Argentine bishop accused of abuse puts the pope in trouble – 26/01/2019


The Pope Argentina arrives on Monday from World Youth Day in Panama, which served as a parenthesis to the hegemonic domination of the Vatican scene over the worst crisis of the pontificate of Jorge Bergoglio: badual abuse of priests and religious towards children and adolescents. A scandal aggravated "in the infinite" by the complicit protections, by the superiors of the guilty: among them a good part of the five thousand bishops of the Church. To put the situation under control, Francisco convened a summit of presidents of episcopal conferences, as well as heads of religious orders and high prelates of the Vatican, in order to set "concrete objectives". The big problem is the growing conspiracy concocted by the ultraconservatives, who are struggling to expel from their chair the obipo of Rome.

The German Cardinal Walter Kasper, very close to Bergoglio, said a few days ago, with great concern, that the conspirators wanted to sink the current pontiff and make "a new Conclave", use the crisis for the purpose of badual abuse to demand the election of a new pope and openly threatening a schism. A source said Clarin that you think of a group of cardinals who ask an audience and who raise the problem aggressively.

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Other conspirators say that the pope's summit with the presidents of episcopal conferences in late February will be an excellent opportunity to confront him and put him in difficulty. But there is a serious problem in speeding up the plans: the conspirators can not promote the disaster of a church that would have three popes. The newly elected and two eminent, Francisco and Benedict XVI, the German Joseph Ratzinger, 91 years old and frail health. Must wait. But many want to act now. No one in the Church can ask for the resignation of the Pope and Jorge Bergoglio will most likely respond by exercising his absolute disciplinary power if some dare to challenge his authority.

The devastating crisis due to badual abuse of priests is an optimal pretext for the grand conspiracy, based mainly in the United States and the Vatican, which in fact has other underlying reasons against the pontificate from Francisco. They consider him an anticapitalist, at best a "South American populist" and at worst a "communist" heretic, who promotes the struggle of the poor and the Church, in favor of those whom society suffocated by a society stifling relentless capitalism, which exacerbates social inequalities with an impressive growth of poverty in the world.

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In a climate increasingly dominated by hostility, the case of the Argentine bishop Gustavo Zanchetta fell like a bomb, 54 years, which creates new difficulties for the pope. Zanchetta is currently the subject of a "preliminary investigation", accused of badually abusing seminarians while he was bishop of Oran in Salta. On Friday 4 of this month, the pontifical spokesman reported the case, saying that the Vatican had only learned that last December the charges against Zanchetta, which the pope had designated late 2017 as Vatican advisor of the APSA, the safe. Vatican Real Estate Agency, which manages five thousand properties in Rome.

Zanchetta was a protégé of Bergoglio, who appointed him bishop in 2013, shortly after his election Pope, and sent him to the Diocese of Oran. Even then, there was opposition, especially in Quilmes, the diocese of Bishop Zanchetta. His resignation on July 29, 2017 was unexpected. The bishop of Oran returned "for health reasons" without giving any further explanation or saying goodbye to anyone. The pope, another unusual event, accepted his resignation in three days. He went to Corrientes then Spain, completely cured of his physical ailments, while in Salta circulated versions that accused him of "unsanctified" badual behavior.

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Unexpectedly, the Pope also appointed him to this post, previously nonexistent, as APSA advisor, end of 2017. This decision has attracted attention and produced "murmurs" (rumors) in the Vatican. The service Vatican Insiderfrom Journal La StampaThe Argentine journalist Andrés Beltramo Alvarez, who works on this site, is the most important news of the Vatican. "This case is strange," said Beltramo, who recounted the details of the story and said that Zanchetta was already installed. "His duties are unknown", as a guest of the Santa Marta Residence, "Pope's House at the Vatican".

It should be noted that the site Vatican Insider It's very special. He has always defended the pontificate of Francisco and his manager, Andrea Tornielli, was appointed at the end of the year by Bergoglio, in charge of defining the editorial line of the department of communication. A crucial task to bring down the Vatican media and influence the press in this time of crisis. A week ago, the US press agency Associated Press aired an interview with the former parish priest of the Diocese of Oran, Fr. Juan José Manzano, one of three priests who reported the newspaper of Salta. The gallery In 2015, they sent information and photographs to the Vatican via "friends of bishops" about the badual behavior of Bishop Zanchetta. Manzano told AP to have sent photos in which Monsignor appeared naked "in obscene or inappropriate attitudes". "It was a first warning," said the former vicar.

In 2017, "the thing was much more serious," said Manzano. Information was sent to the Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See in Buenos Aires.

Francisco's acting spokesman, Alessandro Gissotti, immediately countered the explosion of the case at the Vatican, virtually suspecting the pope of concealing the abusive bishop. He denied the charges against Manzano during the interview with the AP agency. Gissotti reiterated that the Vatican was not aware of any inappropriate behavior of the bishop before the accusations issued last December, which immediately motivated "the preliminary inquiry" and the decision of the Pope to suspend Monsignor Zanchetta as advisor to the Vatican administration.

At the end of the preliminary works, which relate to the diocese of Salta, the case will go to the Congregation of Bishops and to the Doctrine of the Faith, the dicastery responsible for the processes before the bishops in cases like Zanchetta.

Is Francisco sweet with homobaduals?

The underground battle of the ultra right against the pope, who is seeking information with his enormous resources on the Zanchetta case, now focuses on attacking Francisco for maintaining a supposedly "soft" attitude in another subject that the plot wants to exploit fully: homobaduality in the Church .

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No one is unaware that it is "vox populi" from the secular spread of homobaduality behind the walls of the Vatican and in the church. But the conspirators found a special weapon: the resounding case of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, 91, former archbishop of Washington and prominent figure of the American episcopate. The pope fired McCarrick as cardinal and very soon, when the sentence of the dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith will be ready, he will reduce it to the lay state and, in practice, it will drive him out of the Church. .

The ultraconservatives who have kept McCarrick at the top of the positions now argue that the Argentine pope had appointed him as adviser and had delayed the start of the investigation. But Francisco punished him as soon as it was known that he was accused of having abused a minor. What interests the ecclesiastical right, it is actually the homobaduality known to all American cardinals, exercised for decades with seminarians and young priests.

Bergoglio emphasized "clericalism" as a disease of power cultivated by abusers. His enemies claim that he neglects the factor of homobaduality, present in a large percentage of pedophile priests. Homobadual priests are not all abusers, but the homobadual component is present mainly in the abuses committed by male teenagers: "In 80% of the cases", declares the cardinal Geharad Mueller, which in July 2017 n ' was not reconfirmed by Francisco as prefect of the doctrine of the faith, the phrase of the pope is famous: "What right do I have to judge him?", in reference to a homobadual. This position represented a clear improvement over the traditional position of the Church. But the hostility of the traditionalists forced Bergoglio to use the handbrake. On several occasions last year Francisco pleaded against homobadual priests and ordered vigilance during "zero tolerance" seminars on gays.

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While these controversies intensify, another bomb is ready to explode. On February 21, just at the beginning of the Presidents 'Summit of the Bishops' Conferences of the World with the Pope at the Vatican, a book entitled "Sodom, Power and Scandal at the Vatican" will be presented in eight languages ​​in various parts of the world. , of the French sociologist Frédéric Martel. The big publishers are at the origin of this activity, which should be the success of bookstore of 2019. In Italy, it is edited by Feltrinelli.

Martel's narrative poses the central question of the alleged homobaduality of many men in the Church occupying important positions of power in the Vatican. The book would have many names and specific interviews.

The author claims that his goal is to illustrate in depth a system of power progressively engaged since the time of Paul VI. A fundamental part of the book is devoted to clerical pedophilia.

Vatican, corresponding.


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