The CDMX will suspend face-to-face classes due to return to yellow light due to COVID-19


Photo: Daniel Augusto / Cuartoscuro
Photo: Daniel Augusto / Cuartoscuro

This Saturday, the Federal Education Authority in Mexico City (AEFCM) determined to suspend face-to-face classes in the public and private schools of Basic, Normal and Update of the teaching profession of the capital of the country, due to the return to the yellow color of the epidemiological fire.

By a declaration, clarified that from Monday June 21, “face-to-face activities are suspended” at these levels of education.

“For the AEFCM, the safety and health of each member of the educational communities is a priority, it will therefore continue to inform in a timely manner the measures taken in the local education sector, on the basis of what the health authorities determine. . and the government of Mexico City “, reported.

However, he noted that the “educational communities” will be able to decide whether or not to maintain the schools as “Community Learning Centers (CCA)”, which aims to combat school delay, in addition to providing psychological and psycho-emotional counseling, caused by the suspension of face-to-face classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, among other activities.


To function, ACCs must comply with the following preventive measures: Suspension of activities when a case of Covid-19 is reported, 45-minute sessions, operate school filters, Maintain a healthy distance of 2 meters between chairs, tables, benches, etc; use of masks on the nose and mouth, staggered attendance, limit of 40% per day of the school population, favor the use of open spaces, permanently clean the furniture and equipment after each lesson, as well as establish a number maximum number of teachers in each class. Classes.

They will also be able to use school infrastructure such as auditoriums and sports grounds; construction and maintenance actions; sessions of the collegial bodies of the educational institution; and those determined by the School Hygiene Committee, with the prior authorization of the school authority.

He explained that the reconversion of schools would be carried out “on the basis of the Orientation Guide for the reopening of schools in the face of COVID-19, issued by the Secretaries of Health and Public Education on May 28, 2021, which decide freely and by consensus that schools operate as Community Learning Centers (CCAs) must comply with what is established in said document ”.

Until June 17, the Federal Education Authority of Mexico City (AEFCM) had confirmed two other positive cases for COVID-19 in two schools in the capital, eight after the return of face-to-face classes.

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In the case of the last two cases detected, one occurred in a nursery school located in Magdalena Contreras and the other in a private sector secondary school located in the town hall of Gustavo A. Madero.

This Friday, the authorities of the capital had established that the CDMX would remain on the green light for another week. However, overnight, Federal Health Ministry officials determined that Mexico City was placed on a yellow traffic light. The measure will take effect from Monday June 21 and end on July 4.

After the announcement from the Ministry of Health, the capital government explained that according to the latest epidemiological risk estimate – received on June 17 – Mexico City was located at 9 points of 40, that is, it has only experienced an increase of 1 point compared to the last official estimate received on June 3, 2021. According to the guidelines established by the Government of Mexico, the cut-off point for being on a green light is 8 points.

According to the latest report from authorities in the capital, Mexico City, there are 671,942 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 44,138 deaths. In the past 24 hours, 1,016 new infections and 8 new deaths have been confirmed.


CDMX returns to yellow light: what restrictions will there be from June 21
COVID-19 in CDMX schools: there are already 8 cases after returning to face-to-face classes
Back to face-to-face classes in CDMX: how many infected can there be for each student confirmed to have COVID-19

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