The celebration of the New Year in Wuhan, the city where …


A crowd gathered on the streets of the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the spread of the coronavirus has started, to celebrate the arrival of the new year. The celebrations took place without social distancing: according to medical authorities, the disease has been completely eradicated in the metropolis, which allowed its residents to celebrate the end of 2020 with fireworks and thousands of balloons flying in the airs.

However, despite contagion control, almost all residents wore chin straps for the celebration. It should be noted that Wuhan has recorded more than 2,500 deaths from covid-19 since the start of the coronavirus expansion in December 2019.

El homenaje a Li Wenliang

In the Luxiang district, where there are several faculties such as science and technology, around 300 people filled the Vox room to listen to a local band, Happy Wheel, which mixes rock and electronic music for the enjoyment of the spectators, the majority they are teenagers and students.

According to local reports, during the concert tribute was paid to Li Wenliang, the ophthalmologist who was reprimanded 365 days ago by local police after alerting his colleagues that in the hospital where he worked was a group of patients with symptoms of SARS-like pneumonia, a disease that strikes China in 2003.

Wuhan festivities


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