The cell phone could have more germs than a toilet … it's like that that it should be cleaned


Different studies indicate that a cell phone can hold thousands of bacteria, even more than a public toilet, and even feces. The most effective methods for cleaning.

The cellular He became our closest companion throughout the day. We do not give up when we go to the bathroom, on public transport or when we eat. This can have very negative consequences: even if we do not see it, the phone is full of dust and bacteria.

Researchers at the London School of Hygiene Tropical Medicine have estimated that faeces can be found in 1 out of 6 mobile phones.

Another 2009 study warned that phones have become potential "pathogenic deposits" because of their constant contact with the face, lips, ears and hands of different users, which may be contagious. bacteria such as streptococcus.

There is one fact that is not minor: this generation affects more surfaces on a daily basis than any other. Our contact with ATMs, counters, keyboards, tickets means that almost 80% of the infections we contract are transmitted by the hands.

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All of this makes it extremely important to keep the phone as clean as possible.
One of the methods is to clean the screen of cellular with a microfiber cloth, which is used for glbades, with a little water. Some even recommend using a little soap.

In the case of water-resistant phones, they can be sprayed with an alcoholic solution and cleaned with cotton wool. With those who do not resist water, wet wipes can be used for the screen and the back of the device.

The use of fluids or common disinfectants is also discouraged. We can turn to specific mobile cleaning products that have recently been put on the market. One of them is the PhoneSoap, which they say cleans up to 99% of bacteria.

Source: The Vanguardia.

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