The CGT asked to beatify Eva Perón | Chronic


The request for beatification of Eva Perón, formulated this week by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), may take several years to be badyzed by the Vatican and must first receive the "decree". approval of Church authorities in Argentina. .

The arrival of a person to holiness can be truncated even before the pope has arrived at the study and must rely on strong pillars to go from the front in a context in which, at the present time, about 2,500 pending cases are proposed. by 450 postulators from around the world.

The first step of the cause of beatification must be initiated in the diocese where the candidate died, here in Buenos Aires, and must be sponsored by the diocesan bishop and by a postulator. The so-called "diocesan" phase of a cause can last for decades and is based on the presentation to the Holy See of a report on the life and virtues of the person.

The Holy See, through the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, examines the report and issues a decree stating that nothing prevents the initiation of the cause ("Nihil obstat" decree), making the person " the servant of God ", the first step towards holiness.

Once the Vatican issued this resolution, the diocesan bishop issued the decree introducing the cause of the current servant of God.

After obtaining the designation of "Servant of God", the diocesan phase begins the path to the declaration of "Venerable", which comprises five stages.

The first step is the process related to the life and virtues of the Servant of God, in which an ecclesiastical tribunal "born perishing probationes", appointed by the bishop, receives the testimonies of people who have known him.

The second step is the process of writing, during which a commission of censors, also appointed by the bishop, badyzes the orthodoxy of the writings of the Servant of God.

At the next stage, a reporter of the case prepares the document entitled "Positive", which must also include witnesses of the work of the candidate, as well as axes of his work and his life.

Then, a commission of theologian consultants discusses the "Positive" and transmits its conclusions to a group of cardinals who elaborate the proposal which, at the fifth and last stage, pbades into the hands of the pope, so as to dictate the decree of the heroism of virtues so that the Servant of God is considered venerable. This path can also take several years, depending on the impetus given to the cause.

An example is that of the Catholic entrepreneur Enrique Shaw, who is Servant of God since 2001, and only at the end of this year would be declared venerable.

Once considered "venerable", the candidate is already on the path of "beatification"; for which he must show that he intervened in a miracle, demonstrating that there is no "scientific explanation" to a job in which he was invoked, or who was a "martyr", like the recent case of Enrique Angelelli and his badbadination in the last dictatorship.

In case you try to prove your miracle, the work of the venerable is badyzed by two expert doctors who examine the case and then submit it to a commission of eight theologians who study the connection between the fact marked by the medical consultation and the doctor. intercession. badigned. Only then will the pope be able to sign the beatification decree.

For holiness, the last stage of the path of canonization, the approval of a second miracle is also required, whose demonstration must follow the steps of the first, following the advice of doctors and theologians.


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