The Chamber of Deputies has gone into standby mode


Two weeks ago, the president of the lower house, Emilio Monzó (PRO), in collaboration with Kirchnerism, Mbadismo and Peronism, has devised a possible work program including the possibility of meeting every two weeks from next Wednesday.

But soon after having walked, this project seems to have been set aside, as government officials and opposition parties could not be heard this week to advance the bill against "barras bravas". ", an initiative to which change I imagined opening the legislative year.

Thus, the session they imagined for Wednesday is almost deactivated, due to the fact that the legislative referents of the main blocs do not find an agenda of consensual issues that does not generate risks among the different groups.

Assuming the weak presence of lawmakers the following week, for the holiday of Tuesday, April 2 (Day of the Veteran and fallen in action during the Falklands War), the next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, April 10. from the chef de cabinet, Marcos Peña.

The bi-monthly visit of the official appears again as an important factor, so that the paralysis is not complete, as was the case last year after the abortion debate, when the differences between the deputies left a high voltage level and made it difficult to find chords.

In the hypothetical calendar, it was excluded the possibility of meeting the following week for the holidays of Holy Week.

The intention, now in doubt, was to resume the activity on Wednesday, April 24 with the treatment of the law of financing of political parties, hoping that the Senate would approve last Wednesday and l & # 39; He would send to the deputies.

But as the lack of consensus also marks the pulse of the upper house, and we do not know yet what will be the immediate future of this initiative, in MPs they also see with signs of questions another subject in which they thought to advance.

In return, the opposition manages its own agenda with issues such as projects against rate increases and the repeal of DNU signed by the president Mauricio Macri in summer.

During the unsuccessful session next week, the opposition had a file asking for the preference to address at a future meeting the derogations of the DNU in case of domain extinction, elimination of the Sports Secretary and the reallocation of the frequencies of ARSAT.

The idea of ​​the opposing blocs is to repeal these texts and to go forward with the texts translating into bills the questions on which the executive power intended to advance, by considering the modifications which will seek to introduce it to the Parliament. .

Withdrawal requests

The sources of change take for granted the defeat before the opposition if the derogation of the DNU is voted, which already presented an advance in the legislative procedure committee, where the different Peronist blocs united to obtain the majority opinions recommended by the rejects

In addition, the Front for Victory promises to follow up its request to dismiss deputies Elisa Carrió and Paula Oliveto (Civic Coalition) for their so-called "surviving moral incapacity".

And the Peronist jujeña Carolina Moisés threatened to file a complaint against the macrista Fernando Iglesiasfor having understood that at a meeting of the commission, he treated her as "stupid". Another question of privilege that threatens to transform the site into a scenario of cross-accusations and leads the House authorities to consider whether it is convenient to hold sessions without relevant agenda items.


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