The Chamber of Labor ruled against the 357 licensees of the agency Telam | Society


  The Chamber of Labor rules against the 357 licensees of the agency Telam

The Chamber of Labor slice against the 357 licensees of the agency Telam

By a decision of 2 to 1, the National Chamber of Labor decided to reject the collective protection filed a few days ago by the National Bureau for Equality, which requested the reinstatement of 357 licensee of the national news agency Telam.

According to reports, the judges Alejandro Perugini and Graciela González voted to uphold the first instance judgment that ratified the dismissals, while Graciela Craig requested his dismissal.

The decision indicates that the ideological discrimination denounced by the workers has not been confirmed. have suffered and caused mbadive layoffs.

"The only reference to journalistic publications that partially reflect the expressions of the author's agency defendant (Telam agency) would not be sufficient to have a conduct of a discriminatory nature configured with the degree of certainty or credibility necessary to make an advance payment of the possible guardianship, "states the text of the resolution.

There was no or there is no evidence in the a species which proves that, in fact, the measure has affected a particular group characterized by its ideology or its belonging to a political or trade union sector, "he says

The Press Union of Buenos Aires (Sipreba ) noted that the precautionary measure ordered to reinstate five licensees remains in force.

Judge Ricardo Tatarsky ordered two weeks ago the "immediate" reincorporation of journalists Florencia Fazio ] from the s ection Spectacles, Alejandro Monclá and Carlos Alberto Nis, of the sports section; Matilde Suárez who works at the Archives, and Sebastián Siddi who is the radio operator of the agency.

The government has until the end of next week to appeal these five reincorporations, whose cases could be extended to the rest of the returned.

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