The charge d’affaires of the US embassy met the head of Southern Command, who had just arrived in the country


(American Embassy)
(American Embassy)

After the arrival in Argentina of the head of the Southern Command of the United States, Craig Faller, Mary Kay Carlson, entrepreneur of the American embassy in Buenos Aires, received him at the diplomatic headquarters. “Welcome Admiral Craig S. Faller to Argentina! It is an honor to receive you during your visit to the region, ”the manager said on her Twitter account.

Faller’s arrival in the country is seen as a gesture of United States President Joe Biden with Alberto Fernández. Although the White House did not like the Rose House’s decision to resign from the Lima Group, the Democratic administration will do nothing to facilitate China’s regional advance and the discursive task of the more difficult sectors of Kirchnerism. .

White House assumes Xi Jinping’s offensive in Argentina -through vaccines, the exchange of 18,500 million dollars and his intention to control Hidrovía- and rejects Alberto Fernández’s ambivalence towards Nicolás Maduro and his populist regime. However, Washington has opted for an active diplomatic link that brings Balcarce’s positions closer 50 and that it limits the possibilities of China and Venezuela to occupy geopolitical spaces that the United States might abandon due to a distant relationship with the Peronist government.

Admiral Craig S. Faller, Chief of United States Southern Command
Admiral Craig S. Faller, Chief of United States Southern Command

From this perspective, Biden invited the president to a virtual summit on climate change with the participation of world leaders and continues to support Argentina’s negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), despite claims by Alberto Fernández, Cristina Kirchner and Máximo Kirchner to modify the deadlines already set to pay for a possible contract to extend the facilities.

Joe Biden and Alberto Fernández.  The diplomatic relationship is maintained, despite the latest decisions of the Argentine government
Joe Biden and Alberto Fernández. The diplomatic relationship is maintained, despite the latest decisions of the Argentine government

And so that there is no doubt about the geopolitical bet of the White House, Admiral Craig S. Faller landed in Ezeiza today with the aim of making humanitarian donations in Buenos Aires and Ushuaia to deal with the health consequences of the second wave of COVID-19.

Faller heads Southern Command, the Pentagon unit that monitors almost all of Latin America, and criticizes Maduro and China. The visit of the Admiral of the United States was planned before Argentina’s abrupt departure from the Lima Group, and Biden could have canceled his trip to the country in repudiation of this diplomatic decision which has been read to DC as a tacit endorsement of the Venezuelan populist regime.

However, the Democratic president has privileged the bilateral relationship with Balcarce 50 and authorized the flight of Faller to Buenos Aires and Ushuaia, where he will donate field hospitals and other supplies to quell the pandemic in Argentina. The head of the Southern Command will meet with Agustín Rossi – Minister of Defense – and in this closed-door meeting, he will explain Biden’s views on Maduro and China.

What keeps Maduro in power are interests that threaten human rights and our common security. But we are working to disrupt the center of gravity around Maduro, ”Admiral Faller said at a seminar hosted by The Atlantic Council.

Vladimir Putin shakes hands with Xi Jinping at BRICS summit in Brasilia
Vladimir Putin shakes hands with Xi Jinping at BRICS summit in Brasilia

The allusion to the Venezuelan regime’s “center of gravity” is not a random event. Faller alludes – without naming – to Cuba, Iran, China and Russia, Maduro’s strategic allies who provide security, military intelligence, weapons and countless funds that enable the relative stability of the populist nomenclature.

“China is trying to rewrite the rules of the world, it wants a new form of democracy, which is in fact an autocracy. (…) Just look at the human rights violations, corruption, preferential treaties, the diplomacy of the vaccines they currently have.. And they’re looking to become a partner in the face of need, ”Faller said at an academic seminar hosted by the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies.

Biden sends the Southern Command chief to rehearse these concepts in front of the defense minister and other members of the Frente de Todos government, who have a geopolitical perspective more tied to the perspective of Maduro, Xi, and Vladimir Putin.

Rossi is pragmatic when he assesses the regimes of Venezuela, China, and Putin, and he will have to use all his political experience to explain to Admiral Faller why China can keep Hidrovía and what internal interest Alberto Fernández was considering to justify his resignation from the Lima Group.

Faller will be in Argentina for 48 hours: enough time to check in situ How deep is the government’s diplomatic relations with China, Russia and Venezuela. Then he will write a secret note that will reach the State Department and the Pentagon without interruption.


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